Andromeda (2000)
Savax 2 points 14 days ago*.

Just watching the names of the series being thrown about, Lexx, Sanctuary, Farscape… i’d say give “Space above & beyond” a try, and join the legions that say it finished way too early

Antpjcarey 3 points 14 days ago.

Sorry, but while I’m at it, if anybody hasn’t seen it Dark Angel, Jessica Alba’s intro series. Seriously awesome premise, extremely well played, written and cast. Again finished too soon, but there’s enough to make any even slight Sci fi fan into a fan instantly. Looking back on it you can see the first season was underfunded, but the acting and writing kept you hooked, and it soon got a more polished look. Very similar premise as Alias (Jennifer Garner) but different enough that you wouldn’t feel cheated watching both around each other. Out of the 2 though I’d pick Dark Angel myself, but any fan of one should like the other one at least as much.