Andromeda (2000)
Hans Zarkov 4 points 14 days ago.

I’d recommend Farscape, it shared a lot of the same elements as SG:A in terms of creativity, tone, space opera tropes, etc.. In other words, fun with occasional overacting that fit with the overall show, and even more creativity (IMO) than Andromeda. And since you must have watched SG-1, even a “big honkin’ space gun” type weapon that would even make the Goa’uld poop themselves (or their hosts ;) ).

random000 4 points 14 days ago.

Andromeda is good, but Farscape is very superior. Not once did it search for itself or the arc. It always knew what it was & where it was going with laser-sharp writing & long term serialization. Other than Lexa Doig who portrayed Andromeda ship’s AI was married to SG-1’s Michael Shanks, the only way the two shows were similar was in that the primary vessels were alive or had living AI. Farscape was more similar to The Lexx in that regard - another underrated space opera.

Andromeda’s strength was in the entire ensemble cast, who were more capable than the central star. The show also introduced quantum mechanics in a very mainstream way to provide story elements. Until that time, that area of science was pretty obscure to the laity.