Playlists > Iron Eagles

Iron Eagles
Creator: DownrightDebonaire
Posted: 11 months ago

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Movie: Iron Eagle ( 1986 )
A young pilot plans a rescue mission when his father, an Air Force Colonel, is shot down over enemy territory and captured.
Movie: Iron Eagle II ( 1988 )
General Chappy Sinclair assembles a joint U.S.- Soviet strike team to take out a rogue middle eastern nuclear base.
Movie: Aces: Iron Eagle III ( 1992 )
Chappy discovers a drug-smuggling scheme at his own air base. It turns out that the lives of some village people in Peru are at stake, and he decides to fly there with ancient airplanes and friends to free them.
Movie: Iron Eagle IV ( 1996 )
When Chappy Sinclair is saddled with a bunch of misfits and delinquents for his flight school, he turns to his protégé Doug Masters to assist him in sharpening them for an important competition. During their training, they stumble upon a group of subversive U.S. Air Force officers who are dealing in toxic waste as a sideline.