Playlists > RARE MOVIES


films which are difficult to find on the internet. i will keep on adding movies periodically. all films are in HD (1280x720) or more. enjoy. if a movie does not have a link, don t worry. i try to upload one as soon as possible. in this list i am including only movies that had no links at the time of checking

Creator: ahithophel
Posted: 3 years ago

90 favorites


Movie: The Fortune ( 1975 )
The early 1900s with its Mann Act (disallowing women to be transported across state lines for immoral reasons) brings a married man to devise a scheme for taking his upper-class girlfriend away with him. He simply has her marry his unmarried buddy. However, it doesn't take very long before both men start laying claim to her affection. Until, that is, she's about to be cut out of her parents' fortune. So, a new scheme is devised, which only adds to their problems, as well as to the sly whimsy of this movie.
Movie: Emanuelle and Francoise ( 1977 )
A woman plots to take revenge on the man that abused her sister.
Movie: Sweet Sugar ( 1972 )
Prostitute Sugar is set up by a corrupt politician. She is convinced of the futility of appealing her case in the courts and signs on to a chain gang run by the notorious Dr. John who performs cruel medical experiments on the people who work for him.
Movie: The People Who Own the Dark ( 1976 )
A group of rich businessmen and military officers who are partying in an old castle are spared when a nuclear war ravages the earth. When they venture out into the nearest town to search for food and supplies, they find most of the residents blinded, and soon they discover the existence of a sinister group called The People Who Own The Dark.
Movie: Stoney ( 1974 )
A heist caper set in Indonesia, as two gunrunners try to recover gold bullion from a hidden vault beneath the swimming pool of the Surabaya Commissioner. Complications arise when they both fall for the same woman.
Movie: Dorian Gray ( 1970 )
A corrupt young man somehow keeps his youthful beauty eternally, but a special painting gradually reveals his inner ugliness to all.
Movie: FBI Operation Pakistan ( 1971 )
Captain Tom Rowland and Commissioner X are sent to smash the Red Tigers Gang,which is responsible for the smuggling of drugs from Afghanistan to US. Both come to Pakistan and do a joint operation with the help of Pakistani Agencies. SP.Ali and Jacky Clay joins the Commissioner X's team in Pakistan.
Movie: Konga ( 1961 )
Dr.Decker comes back from Africa after a year, presumed dead. During that year, he came across a way of growing plants and animals to an enormous size. He brings back a baby chimpanzee to test out his theory. As he has many enemies at home, he decides to use his chimp, 'Konga' to 'get rid of them'. Then Konga grows to gigantic proportions and reaks havoc all over the city of London!!
Movie: Pendulum ( 1969 )
On the evening of his decoration for bringing a murderer to justice, Washington DC Police Captain Frank Matthews' wife, and her lover are murdered in bed. Jailed as the prime suspect, with the aforementioned murderer released on a technicality Matthews escapes in search of the man he believes to be the real killer.
Movie: Ten North Frederick ( 1958 )
At her father's funeral, Ann Chapin thinks back over the last five years of his life, years of apparent political and personal failure dominated by a selfish and dissatisfied wife and eased only by alcohol. But it starts to emerge that there was in fact one brief and unsuspected period of happiness and love.
Movie: The Thief of Baghdad ( 1961 )
In the time of the Arabian Nights, the city of Baghdad is ruled by Sultan Ali Bajazeth but actually controlled by the scheming Grand Vizier Ghamal. The poor of Baghdad are aided by Karim, the Thief of Baghdad.
Movie: A Pistol for Ringo ( 1965 )
An 'angel-faced' gunfighter is tasked with infiltrating a ranch overrun by Mexican bandits and saving their hostages, including the fiancée of the local sheriff.
Movie: The Return of Ringo ( 1965 )
A returning Union Officer discovers that his home has been overrun by Mexican bandits, and infiltrates the gang to restore order and determine if his wife has been faithful to him.
Movie: Red Line 7000 ( 1965 )
The story of three racing drivers and three women, who constantly have to worry for the lives of their boyfriends. Jim Loomis and Mike Marsh drive for Pat Cassarian. Jim expects his fiancée Holly, but before she arrives, he dies in a race. Since she doesn't have the money to travel back, she stays. The young and very ambitious talent Ned Arp joins the team, and immediately starts wooing Pat's sister Julie. Third on the team is womanizer Dan McCall, who brings with him his current girlfriend Gabrielle from Paris. So the basic theme of this movie is, "Whom with whom?"
Movie: The Hearse ( 1980 )
Jane Hardy decides to stay the summer in the house her aunt left her when she died, to try and recoup from a bad divorce. Little does she know, her aunt practiced witchcraft and is still thought of very badly by the town's citizens. As soon as she moves in, she is haunted by a old black hearse and its creepy driver. Is she going insane or is she truly being menaced? She meets a friendly young man and becomes involved with him, but is he and the creepy driver one and the same?
Movie: Intimate Games ( 1978 )
A psychology teacher assigns his university class a project about personal fantasies.
Movie: Sugar Hill ( 1974 )
When her boyfriend is murdered by gangsters, Sugar Hill decides not to get mad, but BAD! She entreats voodoo queen Mama Maitresse to call on Baron Samedi, Lord of the Dead, for help with a gruesome revenge. In exchange for Sugar's soul, the Dark Master raises up a zombie army to do her bidding. The bad guys who think they got away clean are about to find out that they're DEAD wrong.
Movie: Old Dracula ( 1975 )
A faulty blood transfusion turns Dracula's wife black.
Movie: The Golden Arrow ( 1962 )
Genies help a bandit recover a golden arrow, which will show that he is the heir to the sultan's kingdom.
Movie: Hack-O-Lantern ( 1988 )
A kindly old grandfather is actually the leader of a murderous satanic cult which sacrifices its victims on Halloween.
Movie: Nana, the True Key of Pleasure ( 1983 )
In Zola's Paris, an ingenue arrives at a tony bordello: she's Nana, guileless, but quickly learning to use her erotic innocence to get what she wants. She's an actress for a soft-core filmmaker and soon is the most popular courtesan in Paris, parlaying this into a house, bought for her by a wealthy banker. She tosses him and takes up with her neighbor, a count of impeccable rectitude, and with the count's impressionable son. The count is soon fetching sticks like a dog and mortgaging his lands to satisfy her whims. She bankrupts him, arranges the debauching of his wife, and seduces his son on his wedding day. What else can she accomplish before she leaves Paris airborne?
Movie: Conquest ( 1984 )
A young man, armed with a magical bow and arrows, embarks on a mystical journey through a mystical land to rid it of all evil and joins forces with an outlaw to take down an evil witch bent on claiming the magic bow for evil.
Movie: Sudden Fury ( 1975 )
After a terrible car accident, a man makes sure his wife dies as a result in order to get her inheritance, and will commit sabotage and murder so he can't get blamed for her death.
Movie: Beyond the Door III ( 1990 )
A shy co-ed and her classmates travel to Europe to see a ritual. With a satanist/professor with them, he lures them into deadly traps to become sacrifices to Satan. One co-ed is a virgin, the main key to bring Satan back to life. But can the co-ed lose her virginity before Satan controls the world?
Movie: Hell Hunters ( 1989 )
A Nazi scientist, wanted as a war criminal, develops a spider serum that turns people into fascist Nazi zombies. A pair of investigators who have devoted their lives to hunting down Nazi war criminals set out to stop him.
Movie: Gold of the Amazon Women ( 1979 )
An adventurer searches for the fabled Golden Cities of El Dorado and allies himself with a tribe of Amazon women against a murderous villain who is also after the treasure.
Movie: Fast Getaway ( 1991 )
A lighthearted tale about a gang of bank robbers who fall out and split up. The brains of the gang is a boy who, with his father, successfully continue their crime spree. Annoyed at this, Lilly and her loyal and stupid companion, decide to kidnap the boy, Nelson, and force him to work for them.
Movie: Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot ( 1976 )
Scientists mount an expedition to find a Bigfoot-type creature.
Movie: Next Stop, Greenwich Village ( 1976 )
An aspiring Jewish actor moves out of his parents' Brooklyn apartment to seek his fortune in the bohemian life of Greenwich Village in 1953. He struggles to come to terms with his feelings about his mother's overbearing nature, while also trying to maintain his relationship with his girlfriend.
Movie: The Public Eye ( 1972 )
When a straight-laced British accountant marries a free-spirited American, he starts trying to change her. His wife doesn't keep regular hours, so he suspects an affair and hires a detective (Topol). The wife notices she is being followed, and maintaining their distance she and the detective explore London for 10 days in a game of follow-the-leader without ever exchanging a word.
Movie: Act of Vengeance ( 1974 )
Linda gets raped by a man in a hockey mask. She finds that a few other women have had the same treatment. Together they form a squad that starts looking for the man and also changes the mind of would-be rapists.
Movie: Love at First Kill ( 2008 )
An overprotective mother tries to stop her son's budding relationship with a flirtatious young divorcée.
Movie: Guilty as Charged ( 1991 )
A female parole officer discovers a secret death row prison under a meat plant, that's being run by the plant's unhinged vigilante owner and his reverend friend. A politician with a shady past becomes its latest "guest". But is he guilty?
Movie: Wilder Napalm ( 1993 )
Two brothers with the secret power of starting fires with their minds, reunite after years apart, only to find conflict with their differing lifestyles.
Movie: Sensational Janine ( 1970 )
Josefine is a young streetwalker in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century. She manages to sleep her way to the top by marrying a British aristocrat, and she delights in telling ribald stories of her sordid past to moralistic prudes.
Movie: Hussy ( 1980 )
Beaty (Dame Helen Mirren) is a prostitute working out of a high-class London cabaret where Emory (John Shea) is a technician. They begin an affair encumbered by her job, his lack of money, and their pasts: She has an abusive former lover, the father of her ten-year-old son and possibly her pimp, Alex (Paul Angelis), a strong-arm gorilla type fresh out of prison also arrives, needing a place to stay. Alex is clearly a brutish psychopath who threatens Beaty and Emory's future. Emory's wife died in questionable circumstances and he has a shady friend, Max (Murray Salem), who shows up with a scheme for making lots of money. Beaty and Emory want to sort things out, but the odds are against them. Life is no cabaret.
Movie: The Muthers ( 1976 )
A band of female pirates go undercover at a prison camp on a coffee plantation to rescue their leader's sister.
Movie: Chasing the Muse ( 2015 )
Porn Director steps in his own production as he finds his 'muse' and becomes obsessed by her.
Movie: Soldier of Fortune ( 1955 )
After Jane Hoyt's journalist husband disappears, she arrives in Hong Kong determined to find him but instead meets shady shipping magnate Hank Lee.
Movie: The Pageant ( 2008 )
A behind the scenes look at Australia's longest running and most politically incorrect beauty contest, the Miss Nude Australia Pageant. Told from the contestants and organisers perspective.
Movie: La rivolta degli schiavi ( 1960 )
During the later years of the Roman Empire, the daughter of a wealthy patrician falls in love with a Christian slave.
Movie: Monstrosity ( 1963 )
A rich but unscrupulous old woman plots with a scientist to have her brain implanted in the skull of a sexy young woman.
Movie: It's Not the Size That Counts ( 1976 )
Percy, the man with the world's first penis transplant, discovers that there is a chemical in the city's water that makes men impotent.
Movie: Terror ( 1979 )
The descendants of a witch hunting family and their close friends are stalked and killed by a mysterious entity.
Movie: The Gay Deceivers ( 1980 )
Danny and Elliot avoid military service by pretending to be gay, but they have to act the part when the recruiting officer doesn't buy it.
Movie: Pecos Cleans Up ( 1967 )
Three musicians arrive in a Mexican village destroyed by El Supremo and learn, from the only survivor, of the lost treasure of Montezuma hidden in an Aztec temple. Along comes Pecos and the search is on.
Movie: The Evil Eye ( 1964 )
A mystery novel-loving American tourist witnesses a murder in Rome, and soon finds herself and her suitor caught up in a series of killings.
Movie: Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills ( 1989 )
The widow's houseboy and the divorcee's chauffeur bet on which will bed the other's employer first.
Movie: Scandal Sheet ( 1952 )
The editor of an exploitation newspaper commits a murder and assigns his protégé to investigate hoping to divert attention away from himself.
Movie: The Rover ( 1967 )
A former counterrevolutionary pirate befriends a mentally ill young woman and this in turn leads to tragedy when she falls in love with a French naval officer.
Movie: Pleasure and Martyrdom ( 2015 )
Delfina is an attractive 45-year-old who enjoys a good economic spend and shares her life with a faithful husband and a teenage daughter. Through an intimate friend, she meets Kamil, a supposed high-ranking businessman.
Movie: Mad Women ( 2015 )
Young and beautiful, Nevada Smith craves to find a place for herself in a family of overachievers. Her mother is running for political office, her father is a successful dentist and her older sister is working overseas.
Movie: Deception ( 1993 )
After her businessman husband dies suspiciously in a Mexican plane crash, his widow begins to investigate his labyrinthine financial dealings, not all of which are legal.
Movie: Killers ( 1996 )
The James boys, two of America's most media-oriented killers, Odessa and Kyle have escaped from San Quentin's Death Row. In the midst of a fierce storm and pursued by law-enforcement officers, they find sanctuary by bursting in on and taking hostage the ideal American family, or so they think. After they discover that the daughters are two of their biggest fans, the mother isn't quite what she seems, and the father is perhaps more than their equal, the killers realize the cops are the least of their worries. And as the rain pours down and the dragnet moves closer, the question that emerges is, "Will the killers ever see the light of day?"
Movie: The Daughters of Fire ( 2018 )
A group of women go on a erotic, polyamorous, trip to free themselves from the mindset of patriarchy, while one of them plans to make a porn movie.
Movie: 24 Exposures ( 2014 )
Billy, a fetish photographer who specializes in staged depictions of dead women, becomes involved in a murder mystery when one of his models turns up dead for real. Michael, a depressed police detective, investigates the crime and probes him as to why he chooses to involve himself in the world of exploitation and fetish. He can not explain why he does what he does, except that he accepts that he is attracted to certain ideas and women. As the two men become friendlier, Michael becomes more involved in his photo shoots. Eventually, the true killer is revealed.
Movie: Hellmaster ( 1992 )
A psychotic college professor uses unwitting students as laboratory rats, injecting them with a drug that mutates them into gory killers.
Movie: Pets ( 1973 )
Naive, but brash and sultry teenage runaway Bonnie finds herself lost and adrift in America. The lovely young lass runs afoul of a colorful array of evil oddballs who all treat her like an object: violent criminal Pat makes Bonnie help her kidnap the middle-aged Dan Daubrey; domineering lesbian painter Geraldine Mills wants Bonnie to be her kept girl and uses her as a...Read all
Movie: Apprentice to Murder ( 1988 )
The small beautiful Pennsylvania Dutch community is rocked by a series of bizarre events which lead to a web of deception, violence and murder. Apprentice to Murder is a story of infatuation with love, dreams, and out-of-world temptations.
Movie: Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It. ( 1972 )
A gas is let loose upon the world that kills anyone over 25 years old.
Movie: Born of Fire ( 1987 )
A musician searches for the Master Flautist, a supernatural creature who is planning to blow up the world.
Movie: The Strange Case of Doctor Rx ( 1942 )
After five men previously acquitted of various criminal charges are murdered by a mysterious avenger known as Dr. Rx, police Inspector Hurd and Sergeant Sweeney ask private investigator Jerry Church to help them on the case. He takes the case after talking to Dudley Crispin, a brilliant attorney who had defended three of the murdered men. Crispin gains an acquittal for his latest client, Zarini, but the latter falls dead in the courtroom. Jerry marries Kit Logan, who becomes frightened and persuades Jerry to quit the case. He stays however after Ernie Paul, suspected of the Zarini murder, threatens to "get" him if he does not stay on and clear Paul. Dr. Rx captures Jerry and attempts to frighten him into insanity by strapping him on an operating table, and pretending to exchange the detective's brain for a gorilla.
Movie: The Pursuit of D.B. Cooper ( 1981 )
D.B. Cooper parachutes with his stolen money and proceeds to contact his wife. Meanwhile, his former army sergeant, who now works as an insurance investigator, manages to identify him and decides to track him down.
Movie: Slam Dance ( 1987 )
An artist, framed for the murder of a woman, is drawn into a web of corruption, blackmail and deceit.
Movie: Fat City ( 1972 )
Two men, working as professional boxers, come to blows when their careers each begin to take different directions.
Movie: Point Dume ( 1995 )
John Cassini, in the lead role, as the lonely-guy production assistant who gets caught up in the world's most complicated drug deal.
Movie: Plain Clothes ( 1989 )
To prove his brother's innocence, undercover officer Nick enrolls in high school again, dealing with crushes, bullies, humiliations, popularity swings, and quirky teachers and staff to find the real murderer.
Movie: Plunder Road ( 1957 )
Five men rob a train in Utah of 10 million dollars in gold and head to Los Angeles in 3 trucks hoping to meet up with their beautiful accomplice, and leave the country.
Movie: Big House, U.S.A. ( 1955 )
Gerry Barker finds a lost boy whose rich father is extorted into paying a ransom for his return but the boy accidentally dies and Gerry goes to prison.
Movie: Requiem for a Vampire ( 1971 )
Two girls on the run get lost in the French countryside, and wind up in a haunted chateau occupied by an ailing vampire and his servants.
Movie: Doctor Dracula ( 1983 )
An evil hypnotist puts a beautiful woman under his spell.
Movie: Teenage Tramp ( 1973 )
Wayward, uninhibited young runaway Kim has fallen in with a bad crowd. She decides to flee them and head to the West Coast to reunite with her uptight, neurotic, estranged older sister Hilary so that she can collect some of the inheritance left behind by their deceased parents. However, evil drug dealer Maury and his flock follow Kim to Hilary's house.
Movie: Secret World ( 1969 )
Francois, an introverted teenager, goes to live with his uncle in scenic Provence after his mother dies. He becomes infatuated by the uncle's stunning girlfriend Wendy, a situation that can only end in heartbreak.
Movie: New Year's Day ( 1990 )
A man returns to his sublet apartment to find the previous tenants, three offbeat young women, still in residence, under the mistaken belief that they have the apartment until the end of New Year's Day.
Movie: Pursuit ( 1972 )
A political extremist plans to spread stolen nerve gas in a city where a political convention is being held. Government agents are sent to catch him.
Movie: For the First Time ( 1959 )
The brilliance of one of the world's most beloved tenors and the exciting world of opera highlight this delightful romantic adventure set in the most beautiful cities of Europe. Tonio Costa (Mario Lanza), the temperamental darling of the opera world, is forever missing performances because of impromptu street concerts and endless parties. But Tonio's carefree ways change when he falls in love with Christa, a beautiful deaf girl. Christa refuses to marry him until she can hear his sublime voice. So they embark upon a whirlwind concert tour of Europe where Christa consults with specialists while Tonio sings his heart out. Their love grows stronger and they realize that as long as they are together they can face whatever the future holds. Lush, exotic locations, fabulous operatic performances and the magic of Mario Lanza give this sparkling love story the look and sound of enchantment.
Movie: All Night Long ( 1962 )
This movie, based on William Shakespeare's Othello, is neatly positioned as a vehicle to showcase some of the best jazz musicians of the period, including Dave Brubeck and Charles Mingus.
Movie: Roadside Prophets ( 1992 )
Two strangers meet on the road and travel through Nevada on motorcycle to find an elusive spot where they can dump another man's ashes.
Movie: Return of the Street Fighter ( 1975 )
Mercenary karate master Tsurugi gets mixed up in a plot by the American mafia to take over the karate dojos in Asia, aided by a corrupt dojo master.
Movie: Waterfront Women ( 1951 )
A good-for-nothing sailor walks out on his young family leaving them to fend for themselves in the Liverpool slums. They make a go of their lives and the eldest daughter, now a woman, is none too pleased at her father's attempted return.
Movie: Gas Pump Girls ( 1979 )
New high school graduates June and her friends take over a dilapidated service station owned by her bed-ridden uncle. They have to perform every trick in the book to compete against the modern station across the street.
Movie: Greaser's Palace ( 1973 )
A parable based on the life of Christ. This ain't your father's Bible story, full of references about the destruction of the world through massive constipation and a New Mexican setting.
Movie: Island of the Burning Damned ( 1967 )
While mainland Britain shivers in deepest winter, the northern island of Fara bakes in the nineties. The boys at the Met station have no more idea what is going on than the regulars at the Swan. Only a stand-offish visting scientist suspects aliens are to blame. Meanwhile the new secretary to the local best-selling author is raising the temperature in her own way.
Movie: Puppet on a Chain ( 1971 )
Following a triple professional hit a U.S. agent arrives in Amsterdam to investigate a heroin smuggling ring. He finds a city rife with drugs and a police force unable or unwilling to do much about it. With his incognito female fellow agent the American is soon stirring things up.
Movie: Sin Takes a Holiday ( 1930 )
A plain secretary works for a womanizing divorce lawyer who only dates married women. To avoid having to deal with the matrimonial pursuits of any of his potential romances, he offers her financial support if she marries him in name only.
Movie: Strike of the Panther ( 1989 )
Martial artist and cop Jason Blade must venture into a volatile chemical plant to bring down his archenemy Jim Baxter and save his girlfriend.
Movie: Murder-Rock: Dancing Death ( 1984 )
The owner of a prestigious New York ballet school teams up with a male model to solve a series of bizarre murders of a few of the students.
Movie: Lady Street Fighter ( 1981 )
Exotic Eastern European beauty, Linda Allen, flies in to Los Angeles to track down the evil mobsters who tortured and murdered her sister. Meanwhile, the mobsters are trying to find a tape with information that would be incriminating to them. Linda's investigation deals with a pimp who may be the murderer she is after, and a helpful FBI agent who may not be the crime hunter he pretends to be. Cunning and deadly she is, but will she be up to the tangled web of corruption, violence, and death she falls into?
Movie: Day of the Panther ( 1989 )
A martial-arts expert goes after a criminal gang and its boss, who were responsible for the death of his partner.
Movie: Revenge of Lady Street Fighter ( 2018 )
Lady Street Fighter is back to take on a new gang of villains.
Movie: The Black Cat ( 2012 )
A mentally unbalanced man is obsessed with the idea that a black cat is possessed. He tortures and kills it. Later, he comes to believe that the cat has returned from the dead to kill him.
Movie: Mama's Dirty Girls ( 1974 )
Mama loves men, but she loves money even more. She's trained her three teenage daughters to meet, marry, and murder men for their money. But soon they meet Harold and he's got other plans.
Movie: The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism ( 1967 )
In the Olden Tymes, Count Regula is drawn and quartered for killing twelve virgins in his dungeon torture chamber. Thirty-five years later, he comes back to seek revenge on the daughter of his intended thirteenth victim and the son of his prosecutor in order to attain immortal life.
Movie: Hot Nights on the Campus ( 1966 )
Naïve small town Indiana gal Sally arrives in New York City to attend college. While in New York Sally lives with four more worldly and uninhibited female roommates, goes to wild swinging parties, and falls for both a college professor and a young athletics major. Complications ensue after Sally discovers that she's pregnant.
Movie: The Tale of the Dean's Wife ( 1971 )
A group of rebellious students, who practice free love and anarchism, tries to get their conservative dean to give in to their demands. He refuses, but his nymphomaniac wife is willing. Things end in tragedy for some.
Movie: Darkroom ( 1989 )
Looking for revenge for past incenstous experiences, a slasher invades a lonely farmhouse.
Movie: Aloha Bobby and Rose ( 1975 )
Bobby and Rose, two youngsters who are in love, have to run away from home when they are falsely accused to have committed a robbery and an assassination.
Movie: Fellini Satyricon ( 1969 )
A series of disjointed mythical tales set in first century Rome.
Movie: Assignment: Paris ( 1952 )
Cold war intrigue in France and Hungary.
Movie: Murder Is My Beat ( 1955 )
A police detective helps a singer heading to prison for the murder of a man she claims is still alive.