A comedy series about Chris Woods, a stay-at-home father with young children whose wife, Linda, has a demanding career. When Linda graduates from law school, Chris decides to leave his sales job and do the thing he's always wanted to do -- be a stay-at-home dad to his children -- 13-year-old Shannon, 12-year-old Max, 5-year-old Jake, and infant Emily. He loves the "dad" part of the job, but confronts every small irritation -- parents, telemarketers, obnoxious neighbors -- head on. Linda's well-meaning but annoying friend Barb keeps advising him on how to raise his kids and friend Holly tells him constantly how tough stay-at-home parenting can be. Chris also has to defend his domestic situation to his dense best friend Rod (Barb's husband) and his new neighbor, ex-Marine Bobick.

  • Currently 100.0/5
(1 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: No Rating
Released: March 23, 2000
Runtime: 30 min
Genres: Comedy
Countries: United States
Companies: NBC
Cast: Michael Chiklis Suzy Nakamura Anita Barone Kevin Crowley Amy Wilson Martin Spanjers Steve Ryan Mitch Holleman Cristina Kernan
Crew: Matt Berry Ric Swartzwelder

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