Playlists > Favourite Movies

Favourite Movies

A growing list of the movies i like.

Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 5 years ago

103 favorites


Movie: The Nickel Ride ( 1975 )
Small-time criminal Cooper manages several warehouses in Los Angeles that the mob use to stash their stolen goods. Known as "the key man" for the key chain he always keeps on his person that can unlock all the warehouses, Cooper is assigned by the local syndicate to negotiate a deal for a new warehouse because the mob has run out of storage space. However, Cooper's superior Carl gets nervous and decides to have cocky cowboy button man Turner keep an eye on Cooper.
Movie: Deadly Care ( 1987 )
True story about a nurse's descent into the nightmarish world of substance abuse which endangers her life and the lives of her patients.
Movie: Paper Tiger ( 1975 )
A somewhat prim and proper Englishman is hired as the tutor to the son of the Japanese ambassador. His life changes when he and the boy are kidnapped by terrorists for political purposes.
Movie: The Lost Missile ( 1958 )
The appearance of an unknown "missile-like" object in nearby space leads a European nation to fire a rocket at it. Though the rocket intercepts the unidentified object, the explosion only diverts the missile into an orbit around the Earth. Racing five miles above the earth, its passage causes widespread devastation of the land below.
Movie: The Vampire's Ghost ( 1945 )
In a small African port, a tawdry bar is run by a man named Webb Fallon. Fallon is actually a vampire, but he is becoming weary of his "life" of the past few hundred years.
Movie: The Vampire ( 1958 )
A kind, small-town doctor mistakenly ingests pills made from vampire bat blood and they turn him into a dangerous fanged creature.
Movie: Vampire Over London ( 1952 )
The mysterious figure known as the Vampire comes to England to complete experiments in his mad bid to gain control of the world. When the radar-controlled Robot which he had ordered shipped to him is delivered instead to Mother Riley, the Vampire, through radar control, has the Robot transport itself as well as Mother Riley to the proper the old lady goes into a whirl of side-splitting action in a determined effort to frustrate the plans of the sinister Vampire.
Movie: Atom Age Vampire ( 1960 )
An exotic dancer is disfigured in a car accident. A scientist develops a treatment that restores her beauty. To preserve her appearance the doctor must give her additional treatments using glands taken from murdered women.
Movie: Lassiter ( 1984 )
A handsome jewel thief is arrested and in order to avoid prison, must break into the heavily guarded German Embassy to steal millions in gems.
Movie: Rodan ( 1957 )
In the Japanese mining village of Kitamatsu, miners ares starting to disappear deep inside shaft number 8. Some of the men sent to investigate are killed but one who has managed to escape brings back a tale of a giant insect. Soon, the giant prehistoric insects are attacking the village. Not long after, something traveling faster than the speed of sound is found flying in the sky. It is Rodan, a giant flying prehistoric reptile that has come to life. It spreads terror throughout Japan and is seemingly invincible to any weapon they may throw at it.
Movie: Colossus of the Stone Age ( 1962 )
Wandering strongman Maxxus comes upon two warring tribes, the Sun worshipers and the Moon worshipers. He saves the leader of the Sun tribe from a sea monster, then later on when the Moon tribe attacks and kidnaps the Sun tribe's women, they call upon Maxxus for help.
Movie: Bicycle Thieves ( 1949 )
In post-war Italy, a working-class man's bicycle is stolen, endangering his efforts to find work. He and his son set out to find it.
Movie: Haunted Honeymoon ( 1986 )
Larry Abbot, speaker in the radio horror shows of Manhattan Mystery Theater, wants to marry. For the marriage, he takes his fiancée home to the castle where he grew up, among his eccentric relatives. His uncle decides that he needs to be cured from a neurotic speech defect and exaggerated bursts of fear. He gives him shock therapy with palace ghosts.
Movie: Black Sunday ( 1961 )
A vengeful witch and her fiendish servant return from the grave and begin a bloody campaign to possess the body of the witch's beautiful look-alike descendant.
Movie: The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders ( 1965 )
A bawdy story of how a poor damsel surrenders her virtue again and again to get to the top of society.
Movie: Charlie Chan at the Opera ( 1937 )
A dangerous amnesiac escapes from an asylum, hides in the opera house, and is suspected of getting revenge on those who tried to murder him 13 years ago.
Movie: Child of Rage ( 1992 )
A priest and his wife adopt a brother and a sister, but the girl has terrible outbursts of rage. They get her in treatment and try to find out the reason for this.
Movie: Night of Terror ( 1972 )
A hired killer hunts down a schoolteacher to get something she has. She doesn't know what it is, but he's already killed twice to get it.
Movie: Terror at Red Wolf Inn ( 1972 )
College student Regina wins a getaway vacation at the quiet Red Wolf Inn, which is run by a friendly elderly couple, but it gradually becomes clear that something is amiss.
Movie: A Thief in the Night ( 1973 )
The story of Patty, a young woman caught up in living for the present with little concern for the future. She meets and marries a young man and her life seems great, until one moment she awakens to find her husband gone and the radio reporting millions of people have mysteriously disappeared. As dramatic, earth shaking events begin to unfold around her, Patty realizes she is living in the end times spoken of in biblical prophecy. Adventure and suspense build to a though-provoking climax in this powerfully gripping film.
Movie: London Affair ( 1970 )
A 38 year old American novelist discovers the difficulties of being married to a British 16 year old schoolgirl.
Movie: The Bigamist ( 1953 )
A man secretly married to two women feels the pressure of his deceit.
Movie: The Doberman Gang ( 1973 )
After a failed bank robbery, an ex-con, an ex-waitress and a few of their friends train a pack of doberman dogs to rob a bank for them.
Movie: Home for the Holidays ( 1972 )
Adult sisters Alex, Freddy, Jo, and Chris Morgan have been estranged from their wealthy father Benjamin Morgan for nine years; they blame him for their mother's suicide. Their animosity stems from Benjamin's affair with Elizabeth Hall--the current Mrs. Morgan. The older girls couldn't tolerate what happened to their mother because of their father or that Elizabeth took her place. Freddy has turned to pills and booze to cope, while Jo parties hard to block out any thoughts of family. Chris, the youngest, is the innocent who can only take her sisters' word about what happened in the past because she was too young at the time to fully comprehend everything. Now their elderly father requests that they come home on Christmas Eve. Alex, the eldest sister, advises the others that they should go back to see how he's been getting along. When they see him, he has reinstated them in his will, and he believes that Elizabeth is trying to poison him to death and he wants his girls to stop her any way they can--including killing her, if need be. Elizabeth is unaware of the true reason that Benjamin has convened his daughters at this time. His belief in her murderous intention is partly due to the fact that she was charged but acquitted of the murder of her first husband, whose official cause of death was listed as suicide by self-induced poisoning. What happens among the girls under the circumstance is largely affected by their family "roles." Shortly after the girls' arrival, a torrential storm passes through the region, leaving them stranded as the sole road to the property is washed out and the phone lines are knocked out. Some of them now more than suspect that not only is Elizabeth trying to kill Ben, but them as well. Or are other factors in play for the potentially-deadly occurrences on the Morgan property that night?
Movie: Black Girl ( 1972 )
An aspiring dancer and her wicked sisters resent their mother's love for a foster daughter.
Movie: Death Line ( 1973 )
When a government official disappears in the London tunnels, after several reports of missing people in the same location, Scotland Yard start to take the matter seriously, along with a couple who stumble into a victim by accident.
Movie: Find the Blackmailer ( 1943 )
John Rhodes (Gene Lockhart)hires private detective D. L. Trees (Jerome Cowan)to track down a talking blackbird owned by Fred Molner, who uses the bird as a means of blackmailing Rhodes. Molner has taught the bird to repeat "Don't kill me, Rhodes" in the event he is murdered by a member of a gambling syndicate he has defrauded. Going to Molner's apartment, Trees finds him murdered and his bodyguard, Ray Hickey (John Harmon), unconscious. Clues lead Trees to Mona Vance (Faye Emerson, Molner's girlfriend, who is involved with Mark Harper (Robert Kent, presumably her lawyer.
Movie: A Warning to the Curious ( 1972 )
An amateur archaeologist, Mr Paxton (Peter Vaughan), travels to the coastal Norfolk town of Seaburgh. His research has uncovered an old Anglo-Saxon legend telling of three fabled crowns that protect England from invasion. One is said to have been lost in a war, a second lost to the sea - but the third is thought to be hidden somewhere near Seaburgh. Paxton checks into a local inn where, despite the suspicions of the locals, he hears that another archaeologist searching for the crown was found dead more than a decade ago. His inquiries lead him to the grave of a local man, William Ager who was said to be the last of his line and a guardian of the crown. Paxton goes to search the woods near Ager's former home but his excavations will unearth something more than the fabled crown.
Movie: That's Your Funeral ( 1979 )
The animosity between two rival undertakers is amplified when drug traffickers attempt to use coffins and hearses to smuggle their wares.
Movie: To Kill a Clown ( 1972 )
A young hippie couple rent a secluded cabin on the beach in an attempt to re-connect with each other and save their marriage. Unfortunately, the man they rented the cabin from is a military-brat sociopath (Alan Alda) with two dogs more vicious than his temper.
Movie: The Last Shark ( 1982 )
James Franciscus tries to save hundreds of swimmers in a coastal resort after a Great White Shark starts terrorizing the area.
Movie: Journey Into the Beyond ( 1975 )
A "journey" into the world of the supernatural.
Movie: The Pig Keeper's Daughter ( 1972 )
Moonbeam Swyner, the pig keeper's curvaceous daughter, is still waiting for her Prince Charming. Instead, she will have to make do with a travelling perfume and lingerie salesman. Could he be the One?
Movie: Outrage! ( 1986 )
After a technicality results in the release of a man being tried for the rape and murder of a young woman, her father murders the man. Admitting his guilt and refusing to use temporary insanity, the father places his attorney in a virtual no-win situation. In an extreme effort, the attorney decides to call the judge who released the murderer originally and to challenge the entire legal system that would permit such a travesty.
Movie: In Broad Daylight ( 1971 )
A blind actor discovers his wife is cheating on him with his best friend, and hatches a plot to murder them both.
Movie: She Beast ( 1966 )
A newlywed English tourist and an eccentric Transylvanian Count must work together when the former's beautiful wife is made the bodily host of a horrific witch.
Movie: Dr. Jekyll vs. The Werewolf ( 1972 )
Paul Naschy returns as El Hombre Lobo for the sixth time as he searches for a cure to his full moon maddness by visiting the grandson of the infamous Dr. Jekyll. What ensues next is a lover's triangle, and a savage sadistic Mr. Hyde who roams modern London and transforms into a werewolf on the disco floor.
Movie: Fury of the Wolfman ( 1972 )
A man has had a werewolf curse cast upon him. If he doesn't get rid of it, he turns into a killer werewolf when the moon is full.
Movie: Vengeance of the Zombies ( 1973 )
An Indian mystic uses magical chants to raise women from the dead, then sends them out to perform revenge killings for him.
Movie: The Astral Factor ( 1978 )
A convicted strangler, studying the paranormal in his jail cell, learns to make himself invisible. As an invisible man, he escapes from prison to stalk and strangle the five women who testified against him at his trial. Robert Foxworth plays the police lieutenant assigned to protect them, and to catch the invisible strangler.
Movie: The Star Wars Holiday Special ( 1978 )
Chewbacca and Han Solo try to get to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk to celebrate Life Day, but are impeded by an Imperial blockade. Chewie's family passes the time with various forms of entertainment.
Movie: Jigsaw ( 1963 )
A woman is found murdered in a house along the coast from Brighton. Local detectives Fellows and Wilks lead an investigation methodically following up leads and clues mostly in Brighton and Hove but also further afield.
Movie: Death Goes to School ( 1953 )
A Teacher is murdered at an all girls school. Police investigate and discover that the staff room is full of suspects.
Movie: Hindenburg Disaster Newsreel Footage ( 1937 )
Film of the famous airship explosion.
Movie: Arnold ( 1973 )
Upon his death, Arnold marries his lover, Karen, in spite of his widow, and leaves deathtraps accompanied by audiotapes and his preserved and articulate corpse for those who cared only for his money.
Movie: Gold ( 1974 )
A South African gold mine foreman is unwittingly manipulated by an unscrupulous gang of financiers who want to flood the mine to raise the price of gold on the world market.
Movie: Vigilante Force ( 1978 )
After oil is found in a small town and local factory shut down, violent crime skyrockets. A young man has had enough and calls in his older brother, a cynical Vietnam vet, who cleans the streets but then tries to take over the town.
Movie: Hardly Working ( 1980 )
In Jerry Lewis's first film in a decade, he plays Bo Hooper, an unemployed circus clown who can't seem to hold down a job. The film opens with a brief montage of clips from past Lewis movies. He then moves into a succession of jobs that he gets himself fired from including a gas station attendant and a mailman - all with disastrous results.
Movie: The Night of the Strangler ( 1972 )
In New Orleans, a relationship between a black man and a white girl leads to a string of murders.
Movie: Tony Rome ( 1967 )
Tough Miami P.I., Tony Rome's hired by a millionaire to find jewelry stolen from his daughter. In the search, he has several encounters with local hoods as well as the Miami's police
Movie: The Death Squad ( 1974 )
A squad of policemen who disagree with court rulings take the law into their own hands and start to make justice with their own way. An investigator is assigned the task of discovering their identity and hunting them down.
Movie: The Death of Ocean View Park ( 1979 )
A young woman starts to get visions of a disaster happening at a local amusement park.
Movie: Rafferty and the Gold Dust Twins ( 1975 )
Hapless driving instructor and former Gunnery Sergeant Rafferty, living in squalor near Hollywood, California, doesn't put up too much of a fight when two ladies hitch a ride and attempt to kidnap him in their attempt to get to New Orleans; while initially put off, Rafferty finds he's charmed by the kooky pair of misfits and the three of them drive to Las Vegas, Nevada and later Tucson, Arizona, where their bond eventually unravels.
Movie: Satan War ( 1979 )
Unseen satanic forces terrorize a young married couple in their new home.
Movie: The Dirty Outlaws ( 1967 )
An outlaw masquerades as the son of a blind man in order to find a cache of gold located in a vacated town.
Movie: Journey to the Center of Time ( 1967 )
Hard-nosed new boss Stanton takes over a scientific research company upon the death of his benevolent father.
Movie: Hollywood Man ( 1978 )
Hollywood action film star Rafe Stoker has sunk $130,000 of his own money into his own production, but can't find legitimate financing to complete the film. His mob-connected investor demands an exorbitant amount of collateral and a guarantee that Rafe hand over a commercially acceptable film in 4 weeks, then hires a gang of psycho bikers to sabotage the picture to en...Read all
Movie: The Grand Duel ( 1972 )
A grizzled ex-sheriff helps a man framed for murder to confront the powerful trio of brothers who want him dead.
Movie: Phantom from Space ( 1953 )
An alien being with the power of invisibility lands in Santa Monica. Killing two people who attacked him due to the menacing appearance of his spacesuit, the creature takes it off while being pursued by government authorities.
Movie: The Demon Lover ( 1976 )
A group of teenagers hanging around a cemetery get involved with a satanic priest who calls up a demon from hell.
Movie: Hell Is Sold Out ( 1952 )
A book is sent to the publishers under the name of "Danges", a popular writer, long believed to be dead. The real Danges turns up and meets the new authoress using his name.
Movie: Space Amoeba ( 1970 )
A space probe is infiltrated by alien beings and then crashes on a remote Pacific atoll. A group planning to build a resort hotel land on the island and discover it to be inhabited by giant mutant monsters created by the aliens in an attempt to conquer the world.
Movie: The Ape ( 1940 )
Dr. Bernard Adrian is a kindly mad scientist who seeks to cure a young woman's polio. He needs spinal fluid from a human to complete the formula for his experimental serum. Meanwhile, a vicious circus ape has broken out of its cage, and is terrorizing towns people.
Movie: Gemini ( 1982 )
Set in the backyard of a blue-collar South Philadelphia neighborhood early in the summer of 1973, the comedy-drama focuses on the 21st birthday celebration of Harvard student Francis Geminiani. In attendance are his divorced blue collar father Fran and Fran's widowed girlfriend Lucille, next-door neighbor Bunny Weinberger and her overweight son Herschel, and Francis' classmates, the wealthy WASP Hastings siblings; Judith (who seeks romance with Francis) and Randy (the object of Francis' unexpressed affection), who have arrived unexpectedly, much to their friend's dismay. All are dysfunctional to varying degrees, and the interactions among them provide the play with its comic and dramatic moments. {This information was obtained from Wikipedia}
Movie: A Distant Thunder ( 1978 )
The second film, A Thief in the Night being the first, A Distant Thunder continues the story of Patty, a young woman living in the "end times" referred to in biblical prophecy. This action suspense thriller finds Patty living as a fugitive, trying to hide from the ever increasing evil around her. Relentlessly pursued and finally captured by the forces of UNITE, she is given a choice: Either receive "the mark" or face death.
Movie: The Horror at 37,000 Feet ( 1973 )
An invisible demon in the cargo hold of a jet airliner terrorizes the passengers.
Movie: Almost an Angel ( 1990 )
A small-time crook becomes convinced he has become an angel after a traumatic incident and resolves to perform the work of one.
Movie: Yo-Yo Girl Cop ( 2006 )
Recruited by a clandestine police organization, "K" must stop a plot by student radicals to create anarchy in Japan. Armed with a hi-tech steel yo-yo, and a new name (Asamiya Saki), she must infiltrate an elite high school to find the terrorists but finds an even more sinister plan is about to unfold.
Movie: The Night of the Generals ( 1967 )
In 1942, a Polish prostitute and German Agent is murdered in Warsaw. Suspicion falls on three Generals, and Major Grau (Omar Sharif) of German Intelligence seeks justice which ends up taking decades.
Movie: Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story ( 1980 )
Somewhat fact-based story of the lives and attempted 1962 escape of several inmates in the famous correctional facility. Young inmate Clarence Carnes masterminds a grand escape involving several inmates who have nothing to lose, serving life sentences.
Movie: Toxic Zombies ( 1980 )
After drug crops are sprayed with a chemical by a passing airplane, the growers of the crop are poisoned by the chemical and turn into zombie-like mutants.
Movie: The Children ( 1980 )
A busload of children has disappeared from the quiet New England town of Ravensback, and Sheriff Billy Hart is on the case. A short while later, he manages to track down the kids, but unfortunately they seem to have been transformed into murderous zombies by a cloud of radioactive gas. How can he stop the killer tykes before they destroy the town?
Movie: The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu ( 1980 )
Fu Manchu's (Peter Sellers') 168th birthday celebration is dampened when a hapless flunky spills Fu's age-regressing elixir vitae. Fu sends his lackeys to round up ingredients for a new batch of elixir, starting with the Star of Leningrad diamond, nabbed from a Soviet exhibition in Washington, D.C. The F.B.I. sends Agents Joe Capone (Sid Caesar) and Pete Williams (Steve Franken) to England to confer with Sir Dennis Nayland Smith (Peter Sellers), an expert on Fu. Nayland suspects Fu will kidnap King George V (Rene Aranda) and Queen Mary (Grace Coyle) and demand the George V diamond as ransom. Scotland Yard recruits Alice Rage (Dame Helen Mirren) to stand-in for the Queen. Fu nabs the "fake" Queen; Rage becomes enamored of Fu and aids him in his quest for the George V diamond.
Movie: The Fifth Floor ( 1978 )
College disco dancer is wrongly committed to an insane asylum.
Movie: Hawk the Slayer ( 1980 )
With the aid of his companions, a man seeks to defeat his evil brother who has taken a nun hostage.
Movie: Little Darlings ( 1980 )
Two fifteen year-old girls from different sides of the tracks compete to see who will be first to lose their virginity while at camp.
Movie: Little Lord Fauntleroy ( 1980 )
An American boy turns out to be the long-lost heir of a British fortune. He is sent to live with the cold and unsentimental Lord, who oversees the trust.
Movie: Midnight Madness ( 1980 )
Leon picks college students to participate in his all night scavenger hunt. Five teams receive clues to solve leading them to the next clue site hidden in the city.
Movie: The Mirror Crack'd ( 1980 )
Miss Marple comes to solve the mystery when a local woman is poisoned and a visiting movie star seems to have been the intended victim.
Movie: Death Watch ( 1980 )
In a future where dying of illness is exceedingly rare, a terminally ill woman becomes a celebrity and a man with camera implants goes to secretly record her for a morbid TV show.
Movie: Ordinary People ( 1981 )
The accidental death of the older son of an affluent family deeply strains the relationships among the bitter mother, the good-natured father, and the guilt-ridden younger son.
Movie: Rape and Marriage: The Rideout Case ( 1980 )
Based on the real-life Oregon criminal case which dramatizes the unique dispute in which Greta Rideout instigated the prosecution of her husband, John, charging him with raping her.
Movie: Sweater Girls ( 1978 )
A group of teenage girls forms a club, The Sweater Girls, to preserve their virginity.
Movie: The Wildcats of St. Trinian's ( 1980 )
The girls of St. Trinian's decide they are being asked to do too much work so they go on strike.
Movie: The Pee-Wee Herman Show ( 1981 )
Comedy special starring Pee-Wee Herman and his friends in an adult version of the children's television show, Pee-wee's Playhouse (1986) before it even existed.
Movie: The Girls of Godiva High ( 1981 )
Virgin schoolgirls' first sexual experiences.
Movie: Body Heat ( 1981 )
In the midst of a searing Florida heat wave, a woman persuades her lover, a small-town lawyer, to murder her rich husband.
Movie: All the Wrong Clues for the Right Solution ( 1981 )
A private investigator and a police inspector team up to pursue a notorious mobster, who is plotting to milk an old millionaire out of his highly-valued stocks and bonds. Along the way, the investigator crosses paths with a femme fatale and silly gangsters.
Movie: Hellinger's Law ( 1981 )
Telly Savalas plays a flamboyant criminal lawyer who takes on the case of a syndicate's accountant (actually a Justice Department agent who has infiltrated the mob) accused of murdering a local TV newscaster.
Movie: The Pursuit of D.B. Cooper ( 1981 )
D.B. Cooper parachutes with his stolen money and proceeds to contact his wife. Meanwhile, his former army sergeant, who now works as an insurance investigator, manages to identify him and decides to track him down.
Movie: Sphinx ( 1981 )
Egyptologist Erica Baron finds more than she bargained for during her long-planned trip to The Land of the Pharoahs: murder, theft, betrayal, love, and a mummy's curse.
Movie: Sweet Sixteen ( 1983 )
Teenager Melissa moves into a small town filled with racial prejudice and bullying, and each time she meets up with one of the boys in town, they end up murdered - but who is the killer?
Movie: Wacko ( 1983 )
Thirteen years after the "Lawnmower Killer" killed her sister, high school student Mary Graves and obsessed detective Dick Harbinger are on the lookout for the killer to reappear during the annual Halloween Pumpkin Prom.
Movie: 2020 Texas Gladiators ( 1983 )
In a post-apocalyptic Texas, a band of warriors fight against a fascist regime that is trying to take control of all surviving population.
Movie: BrainWaves ( 1982 )
After a traffic accident Kaylie is in coma for months. Her doctors want to try a new procedure on her: to regain her consciousness, they stimulate her brain with neural patterns of a woman who just died. It works, and Kaylie seems to be ok again. However in her dreams, she lives the last day of her savor - and realizes that she's been killed! Together with her husband she tries to find out what happened.
Movie: The Concrete Jungle ( 1982 )
When her slimy boyfriend Danny uses his unsuspecting girlfriend Elizabeth to carry a stash of cocaine in her skis, she is nabbed by airport security. After a speedy trial, she is sent to...
Movie: Drop-Out Father ( 1982 )
A middle-aged man's decision to leave his high-pressure advertising job has a profound effect on his family.
Movie: Parasite ( 1982 )
Paul Dean has created a deadly parasite that is now attached to his stomach. He and his female companion, Patricia Welles, must find a way to destroy it while also trying to avoid Ricus, his rednecks, and an evil government agent named Merchant.
Movie: Tag: The Assassination Game ( 1982 )
College assassination game turns deadly as someone starts playing for real.
Movie: Trick or Treats ( 1982 )
A baby sitter is stuck watching over a young brat on Halloween night who keeps playing vicious pranks on her. To add to her trouble the boy's deranged father has escaped from an asylum and is planning on making a visit.