Playlists > Trailer Park Boys

Trailer Park Boys


Creator: RigorMortis
Posted: 2 years ago

2 favorites


Movie: Trailer Park Boys: The Movie ( 2006 )
Ricky, Julian and Bubbles come up with a scheme to steal large amounts of untraceable coins.
Movie: Trailer Park Boys: Don't Legalize It ( 2014 )
Recently out of jail and completely broke, Julian has a plan to get outrageously rich. However, he first has to deliver his product to Montreal where his rival Cyrus is waiting to close the deal. In the meantime, the government's plan to legalize marijuana threatens Ricky and his dope business, so he goes to Ottawa to take action against the impending bill. With Julian and Ricky on a road trip, Bubbles joins the pair with his own agenda - to go find the inheritance left for him by his long-lost parents. The trio runs into trouble when ex-park supervisor Jim Lahey and Randy go after the boys in hopes of making them rot in jail.
Movie: Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day ( 2009 )
The boys return from jail to find the park has deteriorated, with a brand new park being created beside it. They attempt a series of get rich quick schemes and robberies, while a freshly drunk Lahey threatens to derail their plans.
Movie: Trailer Park Boys: Live at the North Pole ( 2014 )
The Trailer Park Boys trick Ricky into going to Minneapolis by telling him it's in the North Pole. Once in Minneapolis the present a live Christmas themed show.
Movie: The Trailer Park Boys Christmas Special ( 2004 )
It's Christmas 1997.
Movie: Swearnet: The Movie ( 2014 )
Fed up with being censored in their post-Trailer Park Boys lives, the out of work stars/world-renowned 'swearists', Mike Smith, Robb Wells and John Paul Tremblay decide to start their own uncensored network on the internet.