Playlists > "Best Picture" Oscar Winners

"Best Picture" Oscar Winners

A reasonably comprehensive list of Movies that have garnered Oscars for “Best Picture”, organized by year in ascending order since its inception in 1927.

Creator: RoboPhone
Posted: 5 years ago

7 favorites


Movie: Wings ( 1928 )
Two young men, one rich, one middle class, who are in love with the same woman, become fighter pilots in World War I.
Movie: The Broadway Melody ( 1929 )
A pair of sisters from the vaudeville circuit try to make it big time on Broadway, but matters of the heart complicate the attempt.
Movie: All Quiet on the Western Front ( 1930 )
A young soldier faces profound disillusionment in the soul-destroying horror of World War I.
Movie: Cimarron ( 1931 )
A newspaper editor settles in an Oklahoma boom town with his reluctant wife at the end of the nineteenth century.
Movie: Grand Hotel ( 1932 )
A group of very different individuals staying at a luxurious hotel in Berlin deal with each of their respective dramas.
Movie: Cavalcade ( 1933 )
The triumphs and tragedies of two English families, the upper-crust Marryots and the working-class Bridges, from 1899 to 1933 are portrayed.
Movie: It Happened One Night ( 1934 )
A spoiled heiress running away from her family is helped by a man who is actually a reporter in need of a story.
Movie: Mutiny on the Bounty ( 1936 )
First mate Fletcher Christian leads a revolt against his sadistic commander, Captain Bligh, in this classic seafaring adventure, based on the real-life 1789 mutiny.
Movie: The Great Ziegfeld ( 1936 )
The ups and downs of Florenz Ziegfeld Jr., famed producer of extravagant stage revues, are portrayed.
Movie: The Life of Emile Zola ( 1937 )
The biopic of the famous French muckraking writer and his involvement in fighting the injustice of the Dreyfuss Affair.
Movie: You Can't Take It with You ( 1938 )
The son of a snobbish Wall Street banker becomes engaged to a woman from a good-natured but decidedly eccentric family not realizing that his father is trying to force her family from their home for a real estate development.
Movie: Gone with the Wind ( 1940 )
A manipulative woman and a roguish man conduct a turbulent romance during the American Civil War and Reconstruction periods.
Movie: Rebecca ( 1940 )
A self-conscious woman juggles adjusting to her new role as an aristocrat's wife and avoiding being intimidated by his first wife's spectral presence.
Movie: How Green Was My Valley ( 1942 )
At the turn of the century in a Welsh mining village, the Morgans, he stern, she gentle, raise coal-mining sons and hope their youngest will find a better life.
Movie: Mrs. Miniver ( 1942 )
A British family struggles to survive the first months of World War II.
Movie: Casablanca ( 1942 )
A cynical American expatriate struggles to decide whether or not he should help his former lover and her fugitive husband escape French Morocco.
Movie: Going My Way ( 1944 )
Father Charles O'Mailey, a young priest at a financially failing Church in a tough neighborhood, gains support and inspires his superior.
Movie: The Lost Weekend ( 1946 )
The desperate life of a chronic alcoholic is followed through a four-day drinking bout.
Movie: The Best Years of Our Lives ( 1947 )
Three World War II veterans return home to small-town America to discover that they and their families have been irreparably changed.
Movie: Gentleman's Agreement ( 1948 )
A reporter pretends to be Jewish in order to cover a story on anti-Semitism, and personally discovers the true depths of bigotry and hatred.
Movie: Hamlet ( 1948 )
William Shakespeare's tale of tragedy of murder and revenge in the royal halls of medieval Denmark. Claudius, brother to the King, conniving with the Queen, poisons the monarch and seizes the throne, taking the widowed Gertrude for his bride. Hamlet, son of the murdered King, mournful of his father's death and mother's hasty marriage, is confronted by the ghost of the late King who reveals the manner of his murder. Seeking revenge, Hamlet re-creates the monstrous deed in a play with the help of some travelling actors to torment the conscience of the evil Claudius. In a visit with his mother, Hamlet expresses his anger and disappointment concerning her swiftly untimed marriage. Thinking a concealed spy in his mother's chamber to be the lurking Claudius, he mistakenly kills the meddling counselor, Polonius, father of Ophelia and Laertes. Claudius, on the pretext that Hamlet will be endangered by his subjects for the murder of Polonius, sends the Prince to England.
Movie: All the King's Men ( 1949 )
Jack Burden is a newspaper reporter who first hears of Willie Stark when his editor sends him to Kanoma County to cover the man. What's special about this nobody running for county treasurer? He's supposedly an honest man. Burden discovers this to be true when he sees Stark delivering a speech and having his son pass out handbills, while the local politicians do their best to intimidate him. Willie Stark is honest and brave. He's also a know-nothing hick whose schoolteacher wife has given him what little education he has. Stark loses the race for treasurer, but later makes his way through law school, becoming an idealistic attorney who fights for what is good. Someone in the governor's employ remembers Stark when the governor needs a patsy to run against him and split the vote of his rival. The fat cats underestimate Stark; but Jack Burden, Stark's biggest supporter, overestimates the man's idealism. To get where he wants to go, Willie Stark is willing to crack a few eggs - which include his tough-talking assistant, Sadie Burke; Jack's poised and elegant fiancée, Anne Stanton; and even Jack Burden himself.
Movie: All About Eve ( 1950 )
An ingénue insinuates herself into the lives of an established but aging stage actress and her circle of theater friends.
Movie: An American in Paris ( 1951 )
Jerry Mulligan, a struggling American painter in Paris, is "discovered" by an influential heiress with an interest in more than Jerry's art. Jerry in turn falls for Lise, a young French girl already engaged to a cabaret singer. Jerry jokes, sings and dances with his best friend, an acerbic would-be concert pianist, while romantic complications abound.
Movie: The Greatest Show on Earth ( 1952 )
The dramatic lives of trapeze artists, a clown, and an elephant trainer are told against a background of circus spectacle.
Movie: From Here to Eternity ( 1953 )
In Hawaii in 1941, a private is cruelly punished for not boxing on his unit's team, while his captain's wife and second-in-command are falling in love.
Movie: On the Waterfront ( 1954 )
Terry Malloy dreams about being a prize fighter, while tending his pigeons and running errands at the docks for Johnny Friendly, the corrupt boss of the dockers union. Terry witnesses a murder by two of Johnny's thugs, and later meets the dead man's sister and feels responsible for his death. She introduces him to Father Barry, who tries to force him to provide information for the courts that will smash the dock racketeers.
Movie: Marty ( 1955 )
A middle-aged butcher and a school teacher who have given up on the idea of love meet at a dance and fall for each other.
Movie: Around the World in 80 Days ( 1956 )
A Victorian Englishman bets that with the new steamships and railways he can circumnavigate the globe in eighty days.
Movie: The Bridge on the River Kwai ( 1957 )
After settling his differences with a Japanese P.O.W. camp commander, a British colonel co-operates to oversee his men's construction of a railway bridge for their captors, while oblivious to a plan by the Allies to destroy it.
Movie: Gigi ( 1958 )
Weary of the conventions of Parisian society, a rich playboy and a youthful courtesan-in-training enjoy a platonic friendship, but it may not stay platonic for long.
Movie: Ben-Hur ( 1959 )
After a Jewish prince is betrayed and sent into slavery by a Roman friend in 1st-century Jerusalem, he regains his freedom and comes back for revenge.
Movie: The Apartment ( 1960 )
A man tries to rise in his company by letting its executives use his apartment for trysts, but complications and a romance of his own ensue.
Movie: West Side Story ( 1961 )
West Side Story is the award-winning adaptation of the classic romantic tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". The feuding families become two warring New York City gangs--the white Jets led by Riff and the Latino Sharks, led by Bernardo. Their hatred escalates to a point where neither can coexist with any form of understanding. But when Riff's best friend (and former Jet) Tony and Bernardo's younger sister Maria meet at a dance, no one can do anything to stop their love. Maria and Tony begin meeting in secret, planning to run away. Then the Sharks and Jets plan a rumble under the highway--whoever wins gains control of the streets. Maria sends Tony to stop it, hoping it can end the violence. It goes terribly wrong, and before the lovers know what's happened, tragedy strikes and doesn't stop until the climactic and heartbreaking ending.
Movie: Lawrence of Arabia ( 1962 )
The story of T.E. Lawrence, the English officer who successfully united and led the diverse, often warring, Arab tribes during World War I in order to fight the Turks.
Movie: Tom Jones ( 1963 )
In eighteenth-century England, "first cousins" Tom Jones and Master Blifil grew up together in privilege in the western countryside, but could not be more different in nature. Tom, the bastard son of one of Squire Allworthy's servants Jenny Jones and the local barber Partridge, was raised by virtuous Allworthy as his own after he sent Jenny away. Tom is randy, chasing anything in a skirt, he's having a sexual relationship on the sly with Molly Seagrim, the peasant daughter of Allworthy's gamekeeper. Tom is nonetheless kind-hearted and good-natured, he who is willing to defend that and those in which he believes. Blifil, on the other hand, is dour, and although outwardly pious, is cold-hearted and vengeful. Despite his randiness, Tom eventually falls in love with Sophie Western, who has just returned to the area after a few years abroad. Despite Sophie's love for Tom, Squire Western and his spinster sister would rather see Sophie marry Blifil rather than a bastard, who Western nonetheless liked before he knew that Tom liked Sophie. Based on half truths, Tom, out of circumstance, is forced to leave his home and strike out on his own in London. While Sophie sneaks away in search of Tom, and Squire Western and Miss Western go off in search of Sophie, Tom gets into one misadventure after another on his way to London, some involving his randiness, and some which will reveal certain aspects of his life previously unknown to him. Through it all, Sophie, deep down, is never far from his mind, even when his life is in danger.
Movie: My Fair Lady ( 1964 )
In 1910s London, snobbish phonetics professor Henry Higgins agrees to a wager that he can make crude flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, presentable in high society.
Movie: The Sound of Music ( 1965 )
A young novice is sent by her convent in 1930s Austria to become a governess to the seven children of a widowed naval officer.
Movie: A Man for All Seasons ( 1967 )
The story of Sir Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarry.
Movie: In the Heat of the Night ( 1967 )
An African-American police detective is asked to investigate a murder in a racially hostile southern town.
Movie: Oliver! ( 1968 )
After being sold to a mortician, young orphan Oliver Twist runs away and meets a group of boys trained to be pickpockets by an elderly mentor.
Movie: Midnight Cowboy ( 1969 )
A naive hustler travels from Texas to New York City to seek personal fortune, finding a new friend in the process.
Movie: Patton ( 1970 )
"Patton" tells the tale of General George S. Patton, famous tank commander of World War II. The film begins with Patton's career in North Africa and progresses through the invasion of Europe and the fall of the Third Reich. Side plots also speak of Patton's numerous faults such his temper and tendency toward insubordination, faults that would prevent him from becoming the lead American general in the Normandy Invasion as well as to his being relieved as Occupation Commander of Germany.
Movie: The French Connection ( 1971 )
A pair of NYC cops in the Narcotics Bureau stumble onto a drug smuggling job with a French connection.
Movie: The Godfather ( 1972 )
The Godfather "Don" Vito Corleone is the head of the Corleone mafia family in New York. He is at the event of his daughter's wedding. Michael, Vito's youngest son and a decorated WW II Marine is also present at the wedding. Michael seems to be uninterested in being a part of the family business. Vito is a powerful man, and is kind to all those who give him respect but is ruthless against those who do not. But when a powerful and treacherous rival wants to sell drugs and needs the Don's influence for the same, Vito refuses to do it. What follows is a clash between Vito's fading old values and the new ways which may cause Michael to do the thing he was most reluctant in doing and wage a mob war against all the other mafia families which could tear the Corleone family apart.
Movie: The Sting ( 1973 )
Two grifters team up to pull off the ultimate con.
Movie: The Godfather: Part II ( 1974 )
The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York City is portrayed, while his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on the family crime syndicate.
Movie: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest ( 1975 )
A criminal pleads insanity after getting into trouble again and once in the mental institution rebels against the oppressive nurse and rallies up the scared patients.
Movie: Rocky ( 1976 )
A small-time Philadelphia boxer gets a supremely rare chance to fight the world heavyweight champion in a bout in which he strives to go the distance for his self-respect.
Movie: Annie Hall ( 1977 )
Alvy Singer, a forty year old twice divorced, neurotic, intellectual Jewish New York City stand-up comic, reflects on the demise of his latest relationship, to Annie Hall, an insecure, flighty, Midwestern WASP aspiring nightclub singer. Unlike his previous relationships, Alvy believed he may have worked out all the issues in his life through fifteen years of therapy to make this relationship with Annie last, among those issues being not wanting to date any woman that would want to date him, and thus subconsciously pushing those women away. Alvy not only reviews the many ups and many downs of their relationship, but also reviews the many facets of his makeup that led to him starting to date Annie. Those facets include growing up next to Coney Island in Brooklyn, being attracted to the opposite sex for as long as he can remember, and enduring years of Jewish guilt with his constantly arguing parents.
Movie: The Deer Hunter ( 1979 )
An in-depth examination of the ways in which the U.S. Vietnam War impacts and disrupts the lives of people in a small industrial town in Pennsylvania.
Movie: Kramer vs. Kramer ( 1979 )
Ted Kramer's wife leaves him, allowing for a lost bond to be rediscovered between Ted and his son, Billy. But a heated custody battle ensues over the divorced couple's son, deepening the wounds left by the separation.
Movie: Ordinary People ( 1981 )
The accidental death of the older son of an affluent family deeply strains the relationships among the bitter mother, the good-natured father, and the guilt-ridden younger son.
Movie: Chariots of Fire ( 1981 )
Two British track athletes, one a determined Jew, and the other a devout Christian, compete in the 1924 Olympics.
Movie: Gandhi ( 1983 )
The life of the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of nonviolent protest.
Movie: Terms of Endearment ( 1983 )
Follows hard-to-please Aurora looking for love and her daughter's family problems.
Movie: Amadeus ( 1984 )
The life, success and troubles of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, as told by Antonio Salieri, the contemporaneous composer who was insanely jealous of Mozart's talent and claimed to have murdered him.
Movie: Out of Africa ( 1985 )
In 20th-century colonial Kenya, a Danish baroness/plantation owner has a passionate love affair with a free-spirited big-game hunter.
Movie: Platoon ( 1987 )
Chris Taylor, a neophyte recruit in Vietnam, finds himself caught in a battle of wills between two sergeants, one good and the other evil. A shrewd examination of the brutality of war and the duality of man in conflict.
Movie: The Last Emperor ( 1987 )
The story of the final Emperor of China.
Movie: Rain Man ( 1988 )
Selfish yuppie Charlie Babbitt's father left a fortune to his savant brother Raymond and a pittance to Charlie; they travel cross-country.
Movie: Driving Miss Daisy ( 1990 )
An old Jewish woman and her African-American chauffeur in the American South have a relationship that grows and improves over the years.
Movie: Dances with Wolves ( 1990 )
Lieutenant John Dunbar, assigned to a remote western Civil War outpost, befriends wolves and Indians, making him an intolerable aberration in the military.
Movie: The Silence of the Lambs ( 1991 )
A young F.B.I. cadet must receive the help of an incarcerated and manipulative cannibal killer to help catch another serial killer, a madman who skins his victims.
Movie: Unforgiven ( 1992 )
Retired Old West gunslinger William Munny reluctantly takes on one last job, with the help of his old partner and a young man.
Movie: Schindler's List ( 1993 )
In German-occupied Poland during World War II, industrialist Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazis.
Movie: Forrest Gump ( 1994 )
The presidencies of Kennedy and Johnson, the Vietnam War, the Watergate scandal and other historical events unfold from the perspective of an Alabama man with an IQ of 75, whose only desire is to be reunited with his childhood sweetheart.
Movie: Braveheart ( 1995 )
Scottish warrior William Wallace leads his countrymen in a rebellion to free his homeland from the tyranny of King Edward I of England.
Movie: The English Patient ( 1996 )
At the close of WWII, a young nurse tends to a badly-burned plane crash victim. His past is shown in flashbacks, revealing an involvement in a fateful love affair.
Movie: Titanic ( 1997 )
A seventeen-year-old aristocrat falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic.
Movie: Shakespeare in Love ( 1998 )
A young Shakespeare, out of ideas and short of cash, meets his ideal woman and is inspired to write one of his most famous plays.
Movie: American Beauty ( 1999 )
A sexually frustrated suburban father has a mid-life crisis after becoming infatuated with his daughter's best friend.
Movie: Gladiator ( 2000 )
A former Roman General sets out to exact vengeance against the corrupt emperor who murdered his family and sent him into slavery.
Movie: A Beautiful Mind ( 2002 )
After John Nash, a brilliant but asocial mathematician, accepts secret work in cryptography, his life takes a turn for the nightmarish.
Movie: Chicago ( 2003 )
Two death-row murderesses develop a fierce rivalry while competing for publicity, celebrity, and a sleazy lawyer's attention.
Movie: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King ( 2003 )
Gandalf and Aragorn lead the World of Men against Sauron's army to draw his gaze from Frodo and Sam as they approach Mount Doom with the One Ring.
Movie: Million Dollar Baby ( 2005 )
A determined woman works with a hardened boxing trainer to become a professional.
Movie: The Departed ( 2006 )
An undercover cop and a mole in the police attempt to identify each other while infiltrating an Irish gang in South Boston.
Movie: No Country for Old Men ( 2007 )
Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon a drug deal gone wrong and more than two million dollars in cash near the Rio Grande.
Movie: Slumdog Millionaire ( 2008 )
A Mumbai teenager reflects on his life after being accused of cheating on the Indian version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?"
Movie: The Hurt Locker ( 2009 )
During the Iraq War, a Sergeant recently assigned to an army bomb squad is put at odds with his squad mates due to his maverick way of handling his work.
Movie: The King's Speech ( 2010 )
The story of King George VI, his unexpected ascension to the throne of the British Empire in 1936, and the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch overcome his stammer.
Movie: The Artist ( 2012 )
Outside a movie premiere, enthusiastic fan Peppy Miller literally bumps into the swashbuckling hero of the silent film, George Valentin. The star reacts graciously and Peppy plants a kiss on his cheek as they are surrounded by photographers. The headlines demand: "Who's That Girl?" and Peppy is inspired to audition for a dancing bit-part at the studio. However as Peppy slowly rises through the industry, the introduction of talking-pictures turns Valentin's world upside-down.
Movie: Argo ( 2012 )
Acting under the cover of a Hollywood producer scouting a location for a science fiction film, a CIA agent launches a dangerous operation to rescue six Americans in Tehran during the U.S. hostage crisis in Iran in 1979.
Movie: 12 Years a Slave ( 2013 )
Based on an incredible true story of one man's fight for survival and freedom. In the pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery. Facing cruelty personified by a malevolent slave owner, as well as unexpected kindnesses, Solomon struggles not only to stay alive, but to retain his dignity. In the twelfth year of his unforgettable odyssey, Solomon's chance meeting with a Canadian abolitionist will forever alter his life.
Movie: Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) ( 2014 )
A washed-up superhero actor attempts to revive his fading career by writing, directing, and starring in a Broadway production.
Movie: Spotlight ( 2015 )
The true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover-up within the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking the entire Catholic Church to its core.
Movie: Moonlight ( 2016 )
A chronicle of the childhood, adolescence and burgeoning adulthood of a young, African-American, gay man growing up in a rough neighborhood of Miami.
Movie: The Shape of Water ( 2017 )
At a top secret research facility in the 1960s, a lonely janitor forms a unique relationship with an amphibious creature that is being held in captivity.
Movie: Green Book ( 2018 )
A working-class Italian-American bouncer becomes the driver of an African-American classical pianist on a tour of venues through the 1960s American South.