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The Acolyte (2024)
ribbet29 1 points 2 days ago.

Did you forget to add a ‘not’ in there somewhere?

hellsingfan01 2 points 2 days ago.

Whoops only just caught it myself good catch.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
grasshopper rex 2 points 2 days ago.

Newsflash, most of them figured that out long ago and don’t vote at all.

ribbet29 1 points 2 days ago.

News flash, that doesn’t help them or anyone! Only hurts everyone…

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
ribbet29 1 points 2 days ago.

The “people still suffer from racist policies that have endured” should probable stop voting for the same people that enact those policies…

grasshopper rex 2 points 2 days ago.

Newsflash, most of them figured that out long ago and don’t vote at all.

The Leftovers (2014) S3 E6
mkmikas 1 points 2 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

The smoking makes much more sense after this episode.. i like how they never explained it though

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
grasshopper rex 3 points 2 days ago.

You see the same specious deflection anytime someone talks about slavery in the US. Why is it so hard to stay on topic? Does it make it any less horrible? No one is telling you to feel guilty about something you had nothing to do with, but when you try to shut down discussions about it and how people still suffer from racist policies that have endured, you do make yourself part of the problem.

ribbet29 1 points 2 days ago.

The “people still suffer from racist policies that have endured” should probable stop voting for the same people that enact those policies…

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
DonnyDarko 0 points 2 days ago.

The onl yproblem I have with this is the lady teaching about slavery that is so full of holes and lies its not even funny. This is called propaganda of the left who are trying to rile people up. Fact is slavery was going on long before Europeans had slaves and Africa also had white slaves. But it seems only one picture is to be painted with Hollywood lies. Try looking upon the Arabian slave trade out of Africa and you can go back even further into the days of Mohammed. The world is not about the big bad white man who had slaves, when in fact the entire GLOBE of all races owned slaves of another and even their own. African has slaves today, China still have slaves, Mexico have slaves, just not in chains. But make no mistake, they are owned.

grasshopper rex 3 points 2 days ago.

You see the same specious deflection anytime someone talks about slavery in the US. Why is it so hard to stay on topic? Does it make it any less horrible? No one is telling you to feel guilty about something you had nothing to do with, but when you try to shut down discussions about it and how people still suffer from racist policies that have endured, you do make yourself part of the problem.

The Acolyte (2024)
hellsingfan01 1 points 6 days ago*.

There are some level headed Star Wars fans out there but sadly we’re just not given much actually good Star Wars content these days thanks to Disney.

ribbet29 1 points 2 days ago.

Did you forget to add a ‘not’ in there somewhere?

Halloween (1978)
michaelmyers 1 points 2 days ago.

u 90 horror freaks love the 90’s horror !

The First 48 (2004) S26 E1
red2323 1 points 2 days ago.

new season?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E14
Boiler 5 points 2 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

whether true or not, it’s scary to see the greed from individuals and certain companies needing more. hope everyone’s grand children live long and prosper. \m/

and now this from a popular tv host :

Running Scared (2006)
kavik75 1 points 2 days ago.

Epic movie. Goes far beyond what you think it is

Evacuate Earth (2012)
random000 1 points 2 days ago.

Right on. I do believe that’s Sky Farmer or Farmer In The Sky. Will have to look into Mr. Bear ㋡

greyfur 2 points 2 days ago.

Yup, Farmer in the Sky, think that was the one.

The Watchers (2024)
Steppenwolf71 2 points 2 days ago.


Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
DonnyDarko 0 points 2 days ago.

The onl yproblem I have with this is the lady teaching about slavery that is so full of holes and lies its not even funny. This is called propaganda of the left who are trying to rile people up. Fact is slavery was going on long before Europeans had slaves and Africa also had white slaves. But it seems only one picture is to be painted with Hollywood lies. Try looking upon the Arabian slave trade out of Africa and you can go back even further into the days of Mohammed. The world is not about the big bad white man who had slaves, when in fact the entire GLOBE of all races owned slaves of another and even their own. African has slaves today, China still have slaves, Mexico have slaves, just not in chains. But make no mistake, they are owned.

BROMBERG 0 points 2 days ago.

Thanks D.D. You took words right out of my mouth.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
DonnyDarko 0 points 2 days ago.

The onl yproblem I have with this is the lady teaching about slavery that is so full of holes and lies its not even funny. This is called propaganda of the left who are trying to rile people up. Fact is slavery was going on long before Europeans had slaves and Africa also had white slaves. But it seems only one picture is to be painted with Hollywood lies. Try looking upon the Arabian slave trade out of Africa and you can go back even further into the days of Mohammed. The world is not about the big bad white man who had slaves, when in fact the entire GLOBE of all races owned slaves of another and even their own. African has slaves today, China still have slaves, Mexico have slaves, just not in chains. But make no mistake, they are owned.

Evacuate Earth (2012)
greyfur 2 points 2 days ago.

I used to read a lit of Science Fiction as a kid, and there was one, think it was Heinlein that wrote it, can’t remember the title, but they colonized Ganymede, and actually made an atmosphere for it. Was what they called ‘hard’ Science Fiction, where the Tech was actually based on real science.

Was a pretty good book, though a bit dated at this point in time. I would highly recommend his books to any kid that was growing up that liked Science Fiction though. He had a lot of them, also Greg Bear.

I doubt that you would find much use for most of the seed banks (they are pretty extensive) which are vaults and well protected anywhere out in space where we might get to. Best we might hope for is to build some sort of orbital type thing based on a Ringworld type construct, but enclosed and much smaller.

We could, given time, make it long enough and wide enough that we could simulate sunshine, and even allow for rain. Transport enough soil up to grow limited crops, probably for the most part that would be hydrophonic (sp?), but you would also be able to bring a small amount of cattle for milk, food, pig, sheep, chickens, and so on.

Only a limited amount of people, actually, for the given resources, but still, it would take time to build. It could actually be done rather fast, I’m sure there are actually plans for something similar to this out there, just never done, so they probably already have the basics to work with. You would be amazed at how fast something can get done if they wanted to get it done…

random000 1 points 2 days ago.

Right on. I do believe that’s Sky Farmer or Farmer In The Sky. Will have to look into Mr. Bear ㋡

The Crow (2024)
Arcangel2020 0 points 1 month ago.

I have seen an advance screening..and let’s just say this, if you’ve never seen the 90ies era original version (with Brandon Lee and a MOST excellent Soundtrack)? Meh, maybe you will be entertained and think it’s “Original”. If you are a fan of the original? Well, this one belongs in the (Garbage) Dumpster Bin with the other remade Classics (Roadhouse, Pointe Break, Red Dawn, Poltergeist, The Longest Yard, The Fog etc, etc..)

michaelmyers 2 points 2 days ago.

HALLOWEEN!’’’’’ as well f these remakes red dawn ‘’’ also its called writers block ! no one can come up with anything good anymore ! 80’s -90 ‘s done it best ! prove me wrong and ill and ill send u a copy of a blank VHS ‘’! HA HA HA HA !

The Watchers (2024)
Akrimaya 2 points 2 days ago.

This movie was so bad M. Night Shyamalan didn’t even make a cameo in it. Thank god for fast forwarding!

Evacuate Earth (2012)
random000 2 points 2 days ago.

Pretty sure you nailed it. There’s also Mars, but am tired of all the Mars stuff, so just skipped over it. Someone somewhere probably has their off-planet go-pack. Likely a big go-pack that includes a list of people they think will benefit themselves, as well as seed banks, energy sourcing, and what not - but that’s of little interest to those who get to stay and go splat. Poor old moon really isn’t a moon though. Too big. It’s really a binary to us, so it may assume Earth’s orbit if it too isn’t destroyed or thrown out of orbit as a wanderer.

greyfur 2 points 2 days ago.

I used to read a lit of Science Fiction as a kid, and there was one, think it was Heinlein that wrote it, can’t remember the title, but they colonized Ganymede, and actually made an atmosphere for it. Was what they called ‘hard’ Science Fiction, where the Tech was actually based on real science.

Was a pretty good book, though a bit dated at this point in time. I would highly recommend his books to any kid that was growing up that liked Science Fiction though. He had a lot of them, also Greg Bear.

I doubt that you would find much use for most of the seed banks (they are pretty extensive) which are vaults and well protected anywhere out in space where we might get to. Best we might hope for is to build some sort of orbital type thing based on a Ringworld type construct, but enclosed and much smaller.

We could, given time, make it long enough and wide enough that we could simulate sunshine, and even allow for rain. Transport enough soil up to grow limited crops, probably for the most part that would be hydrophonic (sp?), but you would also be able to bring a small amount of cattle for milk, food, pig, sheep, chickens, and so on.

Only a limited amount of people, actually, for the given resources, but still, it would take time to build. It could actually be done rather fast, I’m sure there are actually plans for something similar to this out there, just never done, so they probably already have the basics to work with. You would be amazed at how fast something can get done if they wanted to get it done…

Being Frank (2019)
Birdsforme 2 points 2 days ago.

Never saw this before. Mostly funny, verging on silly with some serious scenes. I liked it.

Agatha Christie's Poirot (1989) S11 E4
beetledrink 1 points 2 days ago.

absolutely my favourite episode in the whole series

Mikeonalpha 1 points 2 days ago.

yes, all episodes were fabulous!

Sweet Tooth (2021) S3 E8
Brutus 2 points 2 days ago.

Going to really miss this show, but this was a really good series finale.

Two and a Half Men (2003) S2 E20
virtudes 1 points 2 days ago.

This episode is crazy!

Evacuate Earth (2012)
greyfur 2 points 2 days ago.

Yeah, O.K., but lets assume for a second that we were to do that, we would need a lot of warning, say, to try and go to Io, and then we would have to construct the ships, several, as we would need to take a lot of people as well as cargo, as we would need to set up a permanent base, with no re supply.

And this would of course have to be done all on the Q.T. or people would be going batshyte cray-cray swamping the place either trying to get in on it or trying to destroy any chance of it getting off the ground just so no one else could go.

And that kind of thing would be pretty damn hard to keep under wraps. And with current tech, those kinds of ships would be pretty big, and would take a long darn time to get to their destination. Thinking food, air and fuel would be the 3 biggest problems, just for getting there. After that, there would be a heck of a lot more to consider.

random000 2 points 2 days ago.

Pretty sure you nailed it. There’s also Mars, but am tired of all the Mars stuff, so just skipped over it. Someone somewhere probably has their off-planet go-pack. Likely a big go-pack that includes a list of people they think will benefit themselves, as well as seed banks, energy sourcing, and what not - but that’s of little interest to those who get to stay and go splat. Poor old moon really isn’t a moon though. Too big. It’s really a binary to us, so it may assume Earth’s orbit if it too isn’t destroyed or thrown out of orbit as a wanderer.

Evacuate Earth (2012)
random000 2 points 2 days ago.

We saw this long ago, and even then it seemed implausible based solely on the notion that the tech the public knows about is all the tech that exists. With just that tech, then perhaps a moon of Jupiter or Saturn.

greyfur 2 points 2 days ago.

Yeah, O.K., but lets assume for a second that we were to do that, we would need a lot of warning, say, to try and go to Io, and then we would have to construct the ships, several, as we would need to take a lot of people as well as cargo, as we would need to set up a permanent base, with no re supply.

And this would of course have to be done all on the Q.T. or people would be going batshyte cray-cray swamping the place either trying to get in on it or trying to destroy any chance of it getting off the ground just so no one else could go.

And that kind of thing would be pretty damn hard to keep under wraps. And with current tech, those kinds of ships would be pretty big, and would take a long darn time to get to their destination. Thinking food, air and fuel would be the 3 biggest problems, just for getting there. After that, there would be a heck of a lot more to consider.

Agatha Christie's Poirot (1989) S11 E4
beetledrink 1 points 2 days ago.

absolutely my favourite episode in the whole series

Limetown (2019)
LuxxyLuxx 1 points 2 days ago.

I wish they made a second season, I really enjoyed this series

Hold the Dark (2018)
Piglet 0 points 10 months ago.

I’m still trying to decide if I want to watch this…….

KidCreole 1 points 2 days ago.

me too

Anti-Nowhere League: We Are the League (2018)
Herbal Mixture 1 points 2 days ago.

I watched this doc the other night. They had some great tales to tell including the one that Kenny Everett’s Sid Snot was based on the lead singer of this band haha I think he could be right. Good doc about a shit british punk band

Knock Knock (2015)
random000 1 points 2 days ago.

This is one of the remakes of Death Game by Peter Traynor with Seymour Cassel, a very nutty Sondra Locke & Colleen Camp.

Death Game (1977)
random000 2 points 2 days ago.

Sandra & Colleen are sooo mean to poor Seymour. Dude was an Academy Award nominee & what they did to him… This was released on blue-ray not too far back in wide-screen for the 1st time.

This is one of the remakes done by Roth with Keanu, Ana de Armas and Lorenza Izzo:

The Kenny Everett Television Show (1982)
random000 1 points 2 days ago.

More Kenny, more Hot Gossip, more comedy. Even Benny Hill took notice ㋡

The Kenny Everett Video Show (1978)
random000 1 points 2 days ago.

Bring out Hot Gossip! I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper!

The Kenny Everett Naughty Joke Box (1981)
random000 1 points 2 days ago.

Now that’s comedy

90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? (2016) S8 E13
burkue 1 points 2 days ago.

Michael has to be using Angela because there is no way he loves someone that treats him so bad.

Evacuate Earth (2012)
greyfur 2 points 2 days ago.

More to the point, with current tech (and I have not watched this), just where would one go? Orbit what was once the Homeworld? And for how long? Thinking best under the circumstances to just go down with the ship then vie for seats to watch the destruction from space and then endure a slow death.

random000 2 points 2 days ago.

We saw this long ago, and even then it seemed implausible based solely on the notion that the tech the public knows about is all the tech that exists. With just that tech, then perhaps a moon of Jupiter or Saturn.

Evacuate Earth (2012)
random000 2 points 2 days ago*.

In this instance, one need not be a rocket scientist to clearly see that the seats would go to just the rocket scientists & those they deemed worthy of their beneficence.

greyfur 2 points 2 days ago.

More to the point, with current tech (and I have not watched this), just where would one go? Orbit what was once the Homeworld? And for how long? Thinking best under the circumstances to just go down with the ship then vie for seats to watch the destruction from space and then endure a slow death.

Anthrax: Chile on Hell (2014)
grasshopper rex 1 points 2 days ago.

I still wish they had actually changed their name to Basket Full of Puppies.

random000 1 points 2 days ago.


Anthrax: Chile on Hell (2014)
grasshopper rex 1 points 2 days ago.

I still wish they had actually changed their name to Basket Full of Puppies.

Evacuate Earth (2012)
Piglet 2 points 2 days ago.

So very true!

random000 2 points 2 days ago*.

In this instance, one need not be a rocket scientist to clearly see that the seats would go to just the rocket scientists & those they deemed worthy of their beneficence.

Evacuate Earth (2012)
random000 2 points 2 days ago.

There would be no evacuation. If tech exists to permanently go off-planet in an emergency, it would only include those who could afford to have it built & no altruism would get in the way of that selfishness.

Piglet 2 points 2 days ago.

So very true!

The Mistake that Killed Hitler (2023)
random000 1 points 2 days ago.

That’s a cute little fairy tale. None of the allied powers gave endorsement to the fabrication that this monster executed himself. Their documentation indicates he remained at large via the rat lines afterward & was protected via the pro-nazi Argentinian conservatives.

Evacuate Earth (2012)
random000 2 points 2 days ago.

There would be no evacuation. If tech exists to permanently go off-planet in an emergency, it would only include those who could afford to have it built & no altruism would get in the way of that selfishness.

Misfits (2009)
frank44552 1 points 2 days ago.

Cult classic is something like Clockwork Orange , classic means at least 40 years old or half a normal lifetime

greenguy86 2 points 2 days ago*.

Being a cult classic has nothing do with time. If it develops a following, usually later on after its aired/shown.

Uninterrupted: The Real Stories of Basketball (2024)
kronickurves 1 points 2 days ago.

Enjoying this new Vice Doco on Basketball. First Episode: Seattle Sonics, focusing on Shawn “The Reign man” Kemp and Gary “The Glove” Payton.

Battleship (2012)
Wolfie D 1 points 2 days ago.

To Me, it still is! (“Thunderstruck!”)

Misfits (2009)
frank44552 1 points 2 days ago.

Cult classic is something like Clockwork Orange , classic means at least 40 years old or half a normal lifetime

Ahsoka (2023) S1 E7
Piglet 2 points 8 months ago.

Maybe it’s just me, but I swear the music that is played for the closing credits reminds of the intro music from Yellowstone.

Luvlinguae 1 points 2 days ago.

It reminds me of Game of Thrones.

The Leftovers (2014) S3 E3
mkmikas 3 points 2 days ago.

omg its david gulpilil.. this show..