Playlists > Favourite Animation

Favourite Animation

A growing list of classic animation.

Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 4 years ago

49 favorites


Movie: Bee at the Beach (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Donald cheerfully sets up his umbrella etcetera for a day at the beach, but so did a mischievously lazy bee, who doesn't accept his actions inadvertently mess up the bee's spot. Once Donald is in the water in an inflatable raft, the irate insect uses its angle to sting not the duck, but the dingy, more often then Donald has fingers and toes to stuff in the holes, next makes sure to attract the 'gastronomical' attention of a whole band of sharks: duck hunting season at sea is open. Donald uses all the resourcefulness of desperation, and his only weapon, the beach umbrella...
Movie: Hold That Pose ( 1950 )
Goofy is tired and bored. He needs a hobby and decides to pursue photography. Wildlife is an excellent choice for photography so Goofy decides to take a grizzly bear's picture. Unfortunately, when Goofy's flash powder explodes, the bear becomes infuriated and chases Goofy through an amusement park and back to his apartment. Fortunately for Goofy, the bear is pleased with the resulting pictures and ultimately sets up a stand giving his "autographed photo" for $10.
Movie: Hook, Lion and Sinker ( 1950 )
Donald has to fend off a group of lions who are intent on taking his catch of fish.
Movie: Lion Around ( 1950 )
Donald's nephews use a mountain lion costume to scare Donald away so they can grab a pie off the windowsill. The deception is exposed, but a short while later, a real mountain lion comes along.
Movie: Motor Mania ( 1950 )
Mild-mannered average guy Mr. Walker (Goofy) turns into violent Mr. Wheeler when he starts driving. Back on his feet, Mr. Walker finds it nearly impossible to cross the street.
Movie: Out on a Limb ( 1950 )
Donald's doing a little tree surgery when he spots Chip 'n' Dale gathering nuts. He saws off the branch outside their hole and paints it with tar, which Dale gets stuck in. Then Donald has a little fun with the long-handled pruning shears.
Movie: Pests of the West ( 1950 )
The same father-son coyotes seen in Camp Dog (1950) sneak into the hen-house that Pluto is guarding. A chicken yawns, putting junior to sleep, so dad comes in. Pluto wakes up and gives chase. The varmits hide in the rafters of Pluto's house, and it takes some time for him to notice. Pluto and father pass a chicken and its nest back and forth a few times before Pluto substitutes junior for the chicken, tricking dad.
Movie: Trailer Horn ( 1950 )
Donald's peaceful day in the forest gets rather disturbed by Chip and Dale.
Movie: Cold Turkey ( 1951 )
Pluto and Milton the cat, goaded by a TV commercial for turkey, raid the fridge and find a turkey inside. Milton gets there first and re-heats the turkey, first on the furnace duct, and then, trying to hide from Pluto, inside the tube-type TV - but he over-does it a bit.
Movie: Corn Chips ( 1951 )
Donald is shoveling the snow off his walk; Chip 'n' Dale are shoveling their branch. Donald tricks them into shoveling his walk. Angered, they sneak into his house, where he's getting ready to make popcorn. They've never seen this before, but they love it. They stow away in the box, then make off with the bowl of popped corn.
Movie: Dude Duck (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Donald is vacationing at a dude ranch. After all the beautiful women pick the best horses, Donald ends up with the sad sack Rover Boy. But Rover Boy wants nothing to do with Donald.
Movie: Lion Down ( 1951 )
Goofy is about to set up a hammock in the backyard of his penthouse apartment but is minus one tree. He immediately decides to get another one but he shows poor judgement in regards that the one he picks is unkowingly the home of a mountain lion. The lion returns to Goofy's penthouse to reclaim his tree, notices the hammock, and decides this is a much better source of relaxation than laying on a tree branch. Thus, he tries to remove Goofy from the hammock so he can relax himself and eventually a battle ensues.
Movie: Test Pilot Donald ( 1951 )
Donald files his model airplane into Chip 'n Dale's tree. Dale climbs in and proceeds to cause trouble.
Movie: Tomorrow We Diet! ( 1951 )
Indeed, man craves to eat and George Geef (Goofy) is no exception. He eats like it's going out of style. Finally, his reflection in the mirror tells him he's getting too fat. Goofy starts showing all the signs of being overweight. When he gets into a taxi, the back tires deflate. When he gets into an elevator, the elevator remains grounded. Goofy's reflection "helps" him lose weight by refusing to let him eat. Geef thinks he can resist but is soon upset by all manner of temptations. He goes to bed but sleepwalks to the refrigerator only to discover it is empty. It turns out his reflection ate all the food telling him, "Eat, drink, and be merry, and _tomorrow_ we diet!"
Movie: Beep, Beep (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
The Coyote chases the Road Runner through a maze of mine shafts, with their positions made visible only by the lamps on their helmets.
Movie: Father's Lion ( 1952 )
George Geef takes his son camping. His son thinks he sees lions everywhere; George can't see them even when they are right next to him. Lucky for George, his son's got his trusty pop-gun.
Movie: Hello Aloha ( 1952 )
In the city, Goofy finds his daily job much too stressful so he decides to leave this hustle and bustle for a more peaceful life in the tropics. He finds life there most enjoyable collecting shells from the beach, making a hut in which to live, getting back to nature, and even joining in the big luau feast (with meals such as shark fin soup). Yes, Goofy thinks nothing can go wrong in this paradise...until the natives need to sacrifice someone to their volcano...
Movie: Lambert the Sheepish Lion ( 1952 )
A delivery stork mistakenly delivers Lambert, a lion cub, to a flock of sheep. The mother won't let the stork take him back, so Lambert is raised as a sheep, but he just doesn't fit in. He grows up cowardly, until the day his mother is chased by a wolf.
Movie: Man's Best Friend (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Goofy buys a pet dog (Bowser) and has trouble training it. As Bowser gets bigger, he becomes a larger problem, angering the neighbors. Goofy goes out for the night, and Bowser proves not to be much of a guard dog until Goofy comes home and tries to get in.
Movie: Man's Best Friend ( 1941 )
A hunter and his tracking dog have been hunting all day and decide to call it quits for the night. They settle into the hunter's cabin and each go to their respective beds (with the hunter promising more hunting bright and early the next morning much to the hound's disgust). At any rate, the dog settles into bed but is kept awake all night by all manner of distractions. First, he deals with a noisy cricket which he settles and then is disturbed by the moonlight outside reflecting off a clock's pendulum. After that, the rug catches fire and the heroic dog bravely saves the house from being burned to a crisp by dousing it with water. But now his bed is all wet so he settles in with his master... who snores to the point of annoyance. Finally, morning comes and the hunter is raring to go but the insomniac dog tells the old boy off and goes to live with the other animals!
Movie: Pluto's Party ( 1952 )
It's Pluto's birthday party, but Mickey's dozen or so nephews seem to be having all the fun. Their present is a wagon so Pluto can pull them; the "Pin the Tail on Pluto" game doesn't go quite right, and everything seems to prevent Pluto from having his birthday cake. But Mickey has planned ahead.
Movie: Susie the Little Blue Coupe ( 1952 )
The eventful life of a little blue car.
Movie: Teachers Are People ( 1952 )
As the narrator explains, educating children is one of the most important things today and the heroic man who takes on this role is "the school teacher" (Goofy, naturally). After taking role call, Goofy tries to teach the class but keeps having to deal with a mischievous trouble-maker named George who enjoys sneaking out of class to go fishing, eating the teacher's apple, squeaking chalk, making faces while teacher gives a geography lesson, and terrorizing the other students with his water pistol. In the end, George's mischief goes too far when he destroys the school with an exploding bomb and is forced to write "I will not bomb the school again" 100 times!
Movie: Two Weeks Vacation ( 1952 )
After several long days at work, Goofy finally takes a much needed vacation. However, his trip never quite gets off the ground mainly because he spends most of it stuck behind a slow moving trailer. When he gets a flat tire, the mechanic inspects every part of his car except the tire. The only motel he can find is a little shack too close to a railroad track. On the road once more, he gets stuck behind said trailer again only to pass it and discover no one is driving it.
Movie: Father's Week-end ( 1953 )
Goofy plays everyman again. He's an average working joe who demonstrates "the up on time/work on time/bed on time" routine while going from work to home every weekday. On Saturday night, however, he parties it up and attempts to get some rest the next Sunday but with his son around, it's impossible. He insists Dad take him to the beach and, although Goofy refuses, he ends up going anyway where he gets into all sorts of trouble mainly as the result of chasing his son all over the place.
Movie: Bugsy and Mugsy (Short 1957) ( 1957 )
Bugs Bunny finds that gangsters Rocky and Mugsy have chosen his new abode, a condemned building, as their hideout. Bugs manipulates them into attacking each other to prove that crime doesn't pay.
Movie: 1001 Arabian Nights ( 1959 )
Mr. Magoo's ancestor, Abdul Aziz Magoo, is the uncle of Aladdin, who falls in love with a princess.
Movie: Pink Pajamas ( 1964 )
The Pink Panther looks for a place to sleep and makes himself comfy in a drunk man's home.
Movie: The Pink Phink ( 1964 )
A house painter uses blue as his color of choice, while the Pink Panther has a different selection in mind.
Movie: Bully for Pink ( 1965 )
The Pink Panther decides to become a matador and to this purpose confiscates a magician's cape. The panther enters a bullfight ring with the magical cape, and the bull is thwarted not by the panther's bullfighting prowess but by the cape's trickery, in that it deposits flowers onto the bull's horns and produces a foul-tempered, kicking rabbit that angers the bull into running through the cape and being split into two halves.
Movie: Dial 'P' for Pink ( 1965 )
A short, pointy-nosed safecracker intends to rob a safe in a building, but he doesn't realize that the safe is occupied by the Pink Panther, who has made the safe his home. When the safecracker tries to blast the safe open with explosives, the Pink Panther returns each of the thief's devices just before they explode, with the thief taking all of the blasts. Finally, the Pink Panther decides to let the persistent, little man have the safe, which the panther has rigged with a bomb.
Movie: The Pink Tail Fly ( 1965 )
A very resistant bug won't let Pink Panther go to sleep.
Movie: Pinkfinger ( 1965 )
An English voice talks to the Pink Panther, who is reading a book about secret agents, and suggests to the panther that he become an agent. Intrigued at this idea, the Pink Panther dons a trench coat, hat, and pipe and walks nonchalantly on city streets, looking for enemy spies. He comes upon a gang of foreign agents scheming to detonate a series of black-ball bombs, and when they realize he is following them, they shoot him with guns, lure him into a crocodile trap, and, under cover of darkness aboard a train, replace his cigarette with a bomb.
Movie: Reel Pink ( 1965 )
The Pink Panther goes out fishing and buys 6 worms from a stand. One worm, however, is reluctant to end up as bait, and tries to sabotage the panther's fishing trip by attaching the hook to the motor propeller of a nearby boat, and later cutting off the wire to the motor in the panther's own boat. Finally, the panther has to fight an extremely vicious crab he has fished up from the water.
Movie: Shocking Pink ( 1965 )
Our Narrator convinces the Pink Panther to not sit around and do a little home improvement, with disastrous results.
Movie: Sink Pink ( 1965 )
In the hope of recreating Noah's Ark, an eccentric man builds an ark and fills it with specimens of all animals - except for a pink panther, which he sets out to hunt.
Movie: Charlie Brown's All Stars! (TV Short 1966) ( 1966 )
When his team is offered membership in the Little League, Charlie Brown finds he must make a difficult moral decision.
Movie: The Genie with the Light Pink Fur ( 1966 )
The Pink Panther find a magic lamp that promises to turn him into a genie.
Movie: The Pink Blueprint ( 1966 )
The Pink Panther and Little Man butt heads at building a house of their choice.
Movie: Pink Pistons ( 1966 )
The Pink Panther buys a compact, multi-gadgeted car, but has a driving argument with an elderly lady - determined to out-speed her in a drag race.
Movie: Pink Punch (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
The Pink Panther is a chemist who has perfected a pink health drink. When the Pink Panther tries to promote his drink with a series of signs, each of them in pink writing, the starry dot atop the "i" in "pink" has a mind of its own and, to frustrate the Pink Panther, turns green and repeatedly squirts ugly, green fluid on the panther's fur. The Pink Panther is able to restore his fur's pink color by drinking some of his health drink. But the green dot persistently interferes with the panther's efforts to promote his pink drink. Infuriated, the panther tries to eradicate the green dot, only to find that the dot has a guardian - another green dot of a much larger size.
Movie: Pink, Plunk, Plink (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
The Pink Panther is an amateur violinist who wants to play in the orchestra at a concert but is forcefully removed from the concert hall. The sly panther sneaks into the hall and secrets himself in the orchestra. A diminutive, short-tempered conductor tries to direct the orchestra in performing Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, but the Pink Panther keeps injecting his own theme into the music, first with his violin, then with a horn and a trumpet, enraging the conductor.
Movie: Pink-A-Boo ( 1966 )
A pack of mice are partying noisily inside the wall of the Pink Panther's house, and the irate panther resorts to violence in his effort to silence the pesky rodents.
Movie: Pinknic ( 1967 )
Snowbound in a secluded mountain cabin, the Pink Panther struggles desperately and violently to protect his only food supply from a pesky mouse.
Movie: SuperPink (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
The Pink Panther, reading a super-hero comic, fancies himself becoming a cape-and-tights-garbed crusader and takes the essential garments from a clothesline to become Super-Pink! Super-Pink's well-intentioned efforts to help an elderly lady only result in calamity. While trying to rescue the lady's cat from a tree, Super-Pink chainsaws through the tree trunk, and the ...Read all
Movie: Rock a Bye Pinky ( 1966 )
The little pointy-nosed man and his dog are out camping one night, not knowing that the Pink Panther is on a tree branch just above them. He can't sleep because of the man's snoring, so he cuts loose the man's hammock with a knife, sending him flying straight to the river. When the dog hears the man's scream for help, he grips the knife in his mouth, and seeing this, the man blames the dog for what's happened. Later, the panther attaches the little man's hammock above the campfire, and sends the tent with the man in it floating down the river towards a waterfall. Every time the dog gets the blame, making the man hating his pet.
Movie: Congratulations It's Pink ( 1967 )
In a National Park, the Pink Panther is a pan handler who finds a baby left behind by some hurried campers. He must find a way of returning the infant to its family, and in the meantime he must take care of the kid, who keeps crawling into trouble.
Movie: The Hand Is Pinker Than the Eye ( 1967 )
Seeking winter shelter, the Pink Panther enters Zammo the Great's house while the magician is away, and the panther discovers a mischievous rabbit that leads him through a series of phantasmagorical phenomena, including a mobile door with stairs that change from ascending to descending, depending on what position the door is at in relation to the floor, a tilted will picture that, when straightened, causes the whole house to tilt, a deceptive, two-way mirror, and a subjective, psychedelic hole in the floor.
Movie: Jet Pink ( 1967 )
The Pink Panther walks onto an airfield for an experimental, military jet airplane and, fancying himself as an Air Force pilot, decides to take the airplane on an unauthorized test flight. But the speed of the aircraft is beyond what the panther had anticipated, and because he does not know what the buttons in the cockpit do, the ones that he presses send the airplane into rises, dives, swirls, circles, and low flight over a city. Finally, the Pink Panther activates an ejector seat and is parachuted to the ground, with the parachute opening a second too late. Military Police chase the Pink Panther for him having taken the airplane.
Movie: Pink Outs ( 1967 )
This cartoon consists of a series of bizarre black-out gags with the Pink Panther. In one, he is a painter who finds that his paint bucket is dry and screws a hole in the scaffolding above and through the bottom of the bucket belonging to the painter on the next level, whose paint pours into the panther's bucket. Unbeknownst to the panther, a painter underneath him has the same idea! In another gag, the Pink Panther is relaxing on what appears to be a beach, but he sinks into the sand and falls into what is revealed to be the bottom of an hourglass. In yet another gag, the Pink Panther folds a backdrop into a finger-sized square and eats it, and the backdrop springs back to full size inside the panther's stomach! Another gag involves the Pink Panther attempting to demolish a condemned building, but the wrecking ball crumbles to pieces after striking the building, as does the panther, his vehicle, the building, and the whole scene itself! A recurring gag has the panther on a lawnmower. He finds what appears to be a large weed and attempts to clip it, to find it is either a long-legged bird, or a string whose cutting causes the entire scene, panther included, to fall into darkness.
Movie: Pink Posies ( 1967 )
The Pink Panther relentlessly replaces the yellow posies planted by a little, pointy-nosed man with pink ones, raising the little man's ire as he speedily attempts in vain to mow down the panther's pink flowers.
Movie: Pink of the Litter ( 1967 )
While leisurely sitting on a park bench and eating a banana, the Pink Panther throws the banana peel on the ground and is instantly cited for littering. The diminutive trial judge orders the panther to clean all the town of Litterburg's refuse-filled streets. The Pink Panther gathers all the litter into one, huge pile, but is prohibited from setting the trash on fire, and when he tries to dispose of the garbage outside the town limits, a short, pointy-nosed forest ranger orders him to remove it. The panther attempts to rid himself of the trash pile by pouring it down a hole, but the hole is a geyser, which erupts the trash back onto the town's streets. Steamrollering it and forming it into a huge paper airplane with a dynamite fuse is equally ineffective as a mid-air explosion sends the trash raining back onto the town. The panther steamrollers the litter again and converts it to pop art pictures for profitable sale. He gives the proceeds to the town, which honors him in a celebration, but to his dismay, the Pink Panther is ordered to clean the litter left behind by the revelers.
Movie: Pinto Pink ( 1967 )
The Pink Panther is determined to complete his journey to Anaheim, which is 1250 miles away! He tries hitchhiking, but no cars stop for him. Then, he spots a laughing horse on a nearby farm and decides to ride the horse to Anaheim. But the horse has no intention of letting the panther ride him. The Pink Panther attempts to climb on the horse's back by using a ladder, but is shot upward by the horse's hooves. He tries sliding on a saddle off of a roof and onto the horse, but the horse rams him into a wooden arch. He ties himself, in a saddle, to the horse, but the horse walks so as to cause the rope to rotate the unwanted rider to the horse's underside, bumping the panther's head painfully on the ground and submerging him in a river. Undaunted, the Pink Panther puts rollerskates on the horse and ascends onto the horse's back. The out-of-control skates send the pair into the path of a train, and the train pushes them at high speed into a stop sign. The wounded Pink Panther is no nearer to Anaheim.
Movie: Prefabricated Pink ( 1967 )
The Pink Panther joins the crew at a building site, where his inexperience causes a series of disasters. By slamming a door, he repeatedly ruins a little man's wall-plaster work as the plaster liquefies due to the noise of the slamming door and spills off of the wall. Looking for a place to dispose of trash, the panther removes hot rivets from a bucket and pours them into a man's hat; when the man puts the hat on, he experiences scorching pain, and the rivets burn a hole in the wood under him, which he falls through. Things go seriously wrong when the Pink Panther tries to move a steel girder, which hits a wooden beam being carried by one of the workers and triggers a chain-reaction of collisions that destroys the foundations of the building. The Pink Panther flees the enraged construction workers.
Movie: You're in Love, Charlie Brown (TV Short 1967) ( 1967 )
With the school year coming to a close, Charlie Brown is trying to work up the courage to meet his dream girl, whom he only knows as "The Little Red Haired Girl." However, he's too nervous to go meet her upfront and all his attempts to impress her at school backfire disastrously. His friends, Linus and Peppermint Patty, try to help, but only aggravate the situation, while Charlie Brown desperately tries to find a solution to this romantic conundrum.
Movie: Come on In! The Water's Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther goes to Muscle Beach, and puts to use a whole bag of self-inflating items to upstage the local bodybuilder, much to his disgust.
Movie: G.I. Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther joins the U.S. Army and goes to boot camp, where he unwittingly causes no end of trouble for a short, pointy-nosed drill Sergeant. Before long, the Sergeant is plotting to do away with the Pink Panther. He tries to trap the panther in a mine field, only to become trapped himself. He orders the Pink Panther to dig a hole in the middle of a grenade testing area and throws a grenade in, but the Pink Panther uses his shovel to hit it back baseball-style, and it rolls into the house of the camp mascot- a short-tempered bulldog- and explodes. The bulldog chases the Sergeant into the obstacle course the Sergeant had intended for the panther. The Sergeant next mails the Pink Panther to the Navy, who sends the panther back. So, the Sergeant runs off to join the Navy.
Movie: He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown (TV Short 1968) ( 1968 )
When Snoopy is sent back to the puppy farm for obedience training, he free-loads at Peppermint Patty's instead.
Movie: Little Beaux Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow, and wherever the lamb went to graze, the panther had to go. The panther and his lamb cross a boundary into Cattle County, Texas, and when the lamb begins eating the grass of a hot-headed Texan rancher, the Pink Panther must defend himself and his lamb from the Texan's wrath. The panther plants stakes and builds a fence around his lamb's grazing territory, and the Texan, rapidly riding a horse, pounds the stakes - and the Pink Panther - almost entirely into the ground. Undaunted, the Pink Panther establishes his own ranch, and the Texan tries to flatten panther and lamb with a huge, rolling stone, which the Pink Panther guides through a barn so that it hits a tree branch which recoils it on top of the Texan. The Texan telegrams some hired gunslingers, asking them to eliminate someone who is pink, and when a bucket of the Pink Panther's pink paint falls onto the Texan, rendering him pink, the gunslingers arrive and blast him with bullets.
Movie: Lucky Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther thinks he is doing the right thing returning a horse shoe to a robber who gets bad luck when he is around it.
Movie: Pink Is a Many Splintered Thing ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther has a new job as a lumberjack.
Movie: The Pink Package Plot ( 1968 )
A crook orders the Pink Panther at gunpoint to deliver a mysterious, ticking package to the Slobvanian embassy in less than half an hour. The task proves hard to fulfill, since the embassy's watchdog is constantly alert, and all the plans the panther makes up go wrong. And the clocks keep ticking...
Movie: The Pink Pill ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther is admitted to hospital after he falls on the street by slipping on his own banana peel. He finds that he has been given a liquid diet, while the man in the next bed is provided a banquet. So, the panther switches medical charts with his neighbor. The hefty food is transferred to him, but he is also rushed to abdominal surgery as per the chart he now has! Having survived the operation, the Pink Panther, in his recovery bed, is taunted by his laughing roommate as he is subjected to needles, to a harrowing blood pressure reading by an inattentive nurse, and to a fall that results in bandaging from head to toe. When he is finally released from the hospital, the panther trips on the hospital's steps and is readmitted with a broken leg!
Movie: The Pink Quarterback ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther spends a quarter he finds on the street on a quick lunch.
Movie: Pink Sphinx ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther is in Egypt on an expedition to uncover a buried cave containing ancient treasures, and he has only enough money to purchase a tiny camel that can't carry the load of tools...
Movie: Pink Valiant (Short 1968) ( 1968 )
The Middle Ages. When an evil knight kidnaps the king's daughter and takes her to his castle, the panther volunteers to retrieve her. However, the panther has problems with his horse who refuses to let the panther mount him, despite the many tricks and gadgets he uses. Finally, the panther trades in the horse for a dragon - but the king's daughter has already got the upper hand on the knight, and when the panther mistakenly takes the battered and bruised knight back to the king's castle, the king is anything but pleased.
Movie: Pink in the Clink (Short 1968) ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther, working as porter in a train depot, gets forced at gunpoint by a little, pointy-nosed man to assist him in a burglary at the Acme Manufacturing Company. While the man tries to break into the safe, the panther notices a large magnet above a rolling production line, and uses it to get the thief's purse. When the man notices it, he orders the panther to give the purse back, but the panther uses the magnet to catch and drop the man onto the production line. Later, while cutting a hole in the safe with a welder, the panther sets the pipe to the gas bottle on fire, which results in a huge explosion.
Movie: Pinkcome Tax (Short 1968) ( 1968 )
In medi-evil England, The Pink Pather attempts to rescue a poor unfortunate (our pointy-nosed man again) from incarceration due to his inability to pay his tax. Ultimately they are both locked up again and so is Robin Hood who tries to rescue them.
Movie: Pinkadilly Circus ( 1968 )
A little, pointy-nosed playboy coming out of a nightclub does a good deed for the Pink Panther by pulling a nail out of the panther's foot, and the grateful panther becomes slave to the little man, assisting him to compel his shrewish wife to do all the chores at home, cleaning behind him as he drops his cigar ashes and beer cans on the floor. Each time the wife tries to retaliate against her inconsiderate husband, the playboy slob whistles for the Pink Panther to roar at her and frighten her into submission. Tables turn when the wife pulls a nail out of the Pink Panther's foot and the panther is now her slave and allows her to smash bottles on her playboy husband's head.
Movie: Prehistoric Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther and a short, pointy-nosed caveman are laboring to move a large, rectangular slab of rock across a prehistoric jungle. The Pink Panther realizes that the rock would be easier to move if it were round. So, he and the caveman chisel it into a sphere and roll it down a hill. It picks up speed and flattens the caveman repeatedly as it reaches hill bottom, rises on another hill, then re-descends, again and again. The Pink Panther and the caveman next have the idea of positioning another rectangular slab on a carriage and pulling it, and they invent a pair of wheels to put beneath the carriage. Then, when the panther and caveman envision the future for the wheel, including the Industrial Revolution, automobiles, urban blight, and pollution, they destroy the two wheels and go back to moving the slab by their original, clumsy pushing method.
Movie: Psychedelic Pink (Short 1968) ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther discovers a door with an hypnotic eye that takes him on a mind trip in a psychedelic book shop adorned by huge letters of the alphabet and managed by a short, pointy-nosed hippie. The shop contains a vending machine for lights (a cigarette lighter and Christmas tree lights) and books that "bleed" letters when damaged and are operated on as though crit...Read all
Movie: Sky Blue Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther decides to construct and fly a kite, and a dog promptly jumps right through it. The panther rebuilds his kite and attempts to fly it, and, as usual, the problems begin for a little, pointy-nosed man, who in this cartoon is a home-owner. Capping an increasingly destructive series of accidents, the panther's kite tracks through the little man's barbecue and catches fire. It lands on the man's house and sets it ablaze. Within seconds, the house is reduced to smoldering rubble. The man goes ballistic and flies a biplane Red Baron-style in a vengeful attempt to shoot down the Pink Panther, who is soaring through the air in his new, wing-sized kite.
Movie: Tickled Pink ( 1968 )
Calamity results when the Pink Panther wishes for a pair of roller-skates and is granted his wish by his fairy godmother. The "enchanted" skates take the Pink Panther on an uncontrollable junket through a city. He smashes repeatedly through huge windows being unloaded by moving men, knocks over a painter's ladder, tracks through the paint, and puts double lines on a road- and off the road- for cars to follow. He collides with a brick wall, and still the skates won't stop. Every attempt by the panther to remove the troublesome skates fails, until his fairy godmother returns to grant two more wishes. The panther wishes for the removal of the skates, then for the skates to be placed on the fairy godmother's feet, sending her on a similarly uncontrolled and disastrous journey.
Movie: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther buys a land lot atop a narrow mesa, and the house he builds blocks a nearby observatory's view of the Moon. At first, the short, pointy-nosed astronomer at the observatory zooms his huge telescope into the panther's window and believes the newspaper photo of a sexy woman being looked upon by the panther is an actual observation of life on the Moon, and he telephones the fantastic finding to his employers. The Pink Panther builds a brick wall to block the telescope's view, and the hostilities begin. The little astronomer tries to dynamite the wall, and it falls on top of him, while the Pink Panther operates the observatory's telescope door to close and cut off the outer part of the telescope. While the astronomer zooms the repaired telescope into a view of the Moon's surface, he sees dancing, little green men, which are really puppets being controlled by the panther onto the lens of the telescope. When the little astronomer telephones this discovery to his superiors, he is fired pending a sanity hearing!
Movie: Extinct Pink ( 1969 )
In a fast moving, keystone cops-like series of events, the Pink Panther, a caveman, a small dinosaur, and a large dinosaur fight over a bone with hilarious results.
Movie: It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown (TV Short 1969) ( 1969 )
At summer camp, the boys compete and are seemingly hopelessly outmatched by the female campers.
Movie: Pink on the Cob (Short 1969) ( 1969 )
The Pink Panther opens a corn vending stand adjacent to his vast corn field, which is invaded by a tenacious pair of crows who begin devouring the panther's corn. When the panther places a scarecrow next to the field, the crows remove the clothes from the scarecrow and pose as a customer to sample the corn at the Pink Panther's stand. When the panther realizes that he is being tricked, he opens fire upon the crows with his rifle. An escalating war between panther and crows involves the panther's use of a box trap, grenades painted to look like corn, and machine gun shells, none of which stop the two crows from further raids on the field. The Pink Panther builds a brick wall, which one of the crows impacts, and the rain of bricks strikes the second crow. The Pink Panther pities the two seriously injured birds and allows them to eat some of the corn, and the crows summon all their friends to join them!
Movie: Pink Pest Control ( 1969 )
The Pink Panther's winter quarters, a log cabin, is besieged by a termite, which the panther tries unsuccessfully to stop with glue, a rifle, an axe, and insecticide. He renders the pest unconscious and puts it in a corked bottle and throws the bottle off a cliff. But the termite frees itself and returns to bedevil the panther, who has installed a steel door on his cabin. The termite bites a network of fractures through the cabin's structure, and the cabin collapses, leaving only the steel door standing. The enraged Pink Panther orders the termite at gunpoint to help rebuild the cabin by acting as a chainsaw to cut logs into lumber.
Movie: Pink-A-Rella ( 1969 )
A drunken witch drops her magic wand, and the Pink Panther finds it and decides to use it for a good deed by transforming a scrawny, dirt-poor girl into a ravishing beauty for a night of dance with heartthrob Pelvis Parsley. But the witch repossesses the wand, and the Pink Panther, unable to extend its magic past midnight, must collect the girl and return her home before Parsley can see her revert to her unattractive self. She leaves a slipper, which remains beautiful, and Parsley uses it to find the foot that it fits. He arrives at the girl's shack, puts the slipper on, kisses her when he sees that it fits her foot, and is delighted to see it transform her back to enchanting beauty. They leave in Parsley's car to be married, and she waves goodbye to her benefactor panther. The Pink Panther finds the wand again and fights with the witch for possession, and in the ensuing battle of magic spells, the witch becomes a female pink panther, with whom the Pink Panther elopes.
Movie: Gong with the Pink ( 1971 )
The Pink Panther gets a job as waiter in a Chinese restaurant, where the dinner orders are addressed to the chef by striking a gong in a certain way. The restaurant also owns a large collection of plates and glassware, tended by the little pointy-nosed man. The gong strikes repeatedly shatter the fragile plates and glasses, finally making the man so furious that he freaks out and heads to a tropical island, hoping to find some peace and quiet.
Movie: Pink 8 Ball ( 1972 )
The Pink Panther is in his apartment, gift-wrapping a basketball. The ball drops through the wrapping paper to the floor, bounces out a window, and knocks a pointy-nosed, little man in a lower-level apartment off of his balcony swimming pool diving board and down to the street, where the Pink Panther catches him. The Pink Panther chases the bouncing basketball into a zoo, where an ostrich mistakes the ball for an egg and fights the panther for possession of it. The ball bounces away and becomes the plaything of two seals, with the Pink Panther trying to intercept their tossing of the ball. The ball resumes its meandering and leads the Pink Panther on a chase into the wig section of a department store, then bounces near a volleyball court and falls in love with a volleyball- but balks at marriage and returns to the Pink Panther, who resumes his chase of the elusive, bouncing ball with a mind of its own.
Movie: The Pink Flea ( 1971 )
The Pink Panther is bedeviled by a flea that leaves the fur of a dog and takes up residence in the panther's pink coat. Futile efforts by the Pink Panther to rid himself of the flea involve the use of flea repellant spray, hot tabasco sauce, submersion under water, and a razor that de-furs the panther, requiring him to buy a shaggy, fur coat to keep warm from winter's sudden onset - and the flea moves into the fur coat!
Movie: Pink Pranks ( 1971 )
Flying economy class, the Pink Panther is parachuted into the Arctic, where he befriends a lonely seal pup. The young seal doesn't want the Pink Panther to leave him and cries tears that freeze into ice cubes. So, the compassionate Pink Panther stays, to find that he must defend the seal from a trapper. The ensuing conflict awakens and angers a hibernating polar bear!
Movie: Pink Tuba-Dore ( 1971 )
In an Alpine community, a pointy-nosed, little man's incessant tuba-playing results in the entire community threatening to evict him. So, the man, accompanied by his dog, goes into the mountains to play the tuba in supposed seclusion. However, the tuba-playing disturbs the sleep of a tree-dwelling Pink Panther, who, unseen by the man, drops a potted plant, bubble gum, cement, and soap and water into the tuba, and the man, undaunted, persists in playing and blames his dog for these attempts to silence the tuba.
Movie: Psst Pink ( 1971 )
Movie: Snoopy Come Home ( 1972 )
Snoopy is forced to choose, between Lila his former owner or Charlie Brown
Movie: You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown (TV Short 1972) ( 1972 )
Linus runs for school president with Lucy and Charlie Brown being his campaign managers.
Movie: There's No Time for Love, Charlie Brown (TV Short 1973) ( 1973 )
Charlie Brown's last chance to salvage his grades seems doomed when he confuses a supermarket for an art gallery he has to do a paper on.
Movie: Forty Pink Winks ( 1975 )
The panther, desperate for a place to sleep, lies down on a sofa in a hotel lobby, but the hotel detective orders him to leave. When the panther notices a convention is about to take place in the hotel, he disguises himself as one of the convention members and manages to sneak into an upper floor. The detective, who has noticed his disguise, chases the panther, who sneaks into the room of an obese man. The man's snoring keeps the panther awake, so he hides in the man's trousers and leaves the room. He mistakenly awakens the sleeping detective, but avoids being captured, and so he leaves the hotel.
Movie: It's Pink, But Is It Mink? ( 1975 )
The short, pointy-nosed man is Tarzan, feared King of the Jungle but henpecked husband of Jane at home. When Jane orders Tarzan to get her a pink fur coat, he sets out to capture the Pink Panther. But every attempt to capture the feline ends unluckily.
Movie: Pink Da Vinci ( 1975 )
Another battle of the paintbrush between the Pink Panther and a diminutive painter, who this time is Leonardo Da Vinci, painting his masterpiece, the Mona Lisa. The little Da Vinci paints a pouting mouth on the Mona Lisa, but the Pink Panther decides to covertly replace the pout with a smile. When the smile wins the appreciation of an art patron, Da Vinci is enraged and repaints the pout. The Pink Panther repeatedly changes the pout to a smile while the little painter is not looking, and ultimately it is the Pink Panther's version of the Mona Lisa that hangs in the Louvre.
Movie: Pink Plasma (Short 1975) ( 1975 )
The Pink Panther stops to spend a night at a castle in Transylvania, believing it to be a lodge. It is in fact a vampire's castle with such denizens as a hairy, knife-throwing hand, a phantom in squeaky shoes, and the usual living-dead blood-sucker. Thinking the vampire's coffin to be that of a dead man, the Pink Panther buries it. Come dusk, the coffin rumbles to surface, and the vampire emerges. The Pink Panther uses bug spray to repel the vampire in bat form, and it flies out a window and changes to the vampire, who falls into a moat inhabited by a shark. The shark chases the vampire, and the phantom chases the Pink Panther, before sunrise causes vampire, shark, phantom, and castle to disappear.
Movie: Pink Streaker (Short 1975) ( 1975 )
The Pink Panther, who works at a ski resort, meets the little pointy-nosed man, who is a newcomer on skis and reads a guidebook in order to learn how to ski. Naturally, this encounter means nothing but trouble for the man, who constantly gets sent off hills and ski jumps, gets his wool shirt completely unraveled and gets frozen inside a huge snowball that has just rolled down a hill.
Movie: Salmon Pink ( 1975 )
While having picnic on the beach, the Pink Panther gets befriended by a salmon, who desperately wants to follow him home. At first, he has trouble surviving on dry land, but he learns fast, and when the panther sees the salmon on his doorstep with the morning paper in his mouth, he decides to adopt him as his pet. While out walking, the salmon wants to see "Moby Dick" playing in the movie theater, and the panther manages to sneak him in. However, when the salmon, gasping again, dives into the mug of lemonade another patron is holding, the panther and his pet rush out of the theater. A visit to the Ocean World Aquarium turns out bad, as the guard thinks the panther has stolen the salmon from them, so the fish ends up in one of the tanks. The panther has to disguise himself and secretly free the salmon from the tank.
Movie: Charlotte's Web ( 1973 )
A gentle and wise grey spider with a flair for promotion pledges to save a young pig from slaughter for dinner food.
Movie: The King and the Mockingbird ( 1980 )
A chimney sweep and a shepherdess seek to escape from the clutches of a tyrannical king.
Movie: It's Magic, Charlie Brown ( 1981 )
When Snoopy turns Charlie Brown invisible in a magic act, he has trouble changing him back.
Movie: The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie ( 1981 )
Bugs Bunny hosts an award show featuring several classic Looney Toon shorts.
Movie: Bugs Bunny's 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales ( 1982 )
Rival book salesmen Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are forced by Sultan Yosemite Sam to read fairy tales to his spoiled, selfish son, Prince Abba-Dabba.
Movie: The Secret of NIMH ( 1982 )
Mrs. Brisby, a widowed mouse, lives in a cinder block with her children on the Fitzgibbon farm. She is preparing to move her family out of the field they live in as plowing time approaches, however her son Timothy has fallen ill, and moving him could prove fatal. Mrs. Brisby visits The Great Owl, a wise creature who advises her to visit a mysterious group of rats who live beneath a rose bush on the farm. Upon visiting the rats, Brisby meets Nicodemus, the wise and mystical leader of the rats, and Justin, a friendly rat who immediately becomes attached to Mrs. Brisby. While there, she learns that her late husband, Mr. Jonathon Brisby, along with the rats, was a part of a series of experiments at a place known only as N.I.M.H. (revealed earlier in the story as the National Institute of Mental Health). The experiments performed on the mice and rats there boosted their intelligence, allowing them to read without being taught and to understand things such as complex mechanics and electricity. The rats and Mr. Brisby escaped from N.I.M.H. and came to live on the Fitzgibbon farm. The rats created a home for themselves under Mrs. Fitzgibbon's rose bush, creating an elaborate habitation of beautiful chambers, elevators, and Christmas lights. However, the rats are unhappy in their dependence on the humans, who they are stealing electricity from, and have concocted a plan to leave the farm and live independently. Because of her husband's prior relationship with the rats, they agree to help Mrs. Brisby move her home out of the path of the plow. However, the evil Jenner and his unwilling accomplice Sullivan, who wish to remain beneath the rose bush, yet plot to kill Nicodemus during the move.