Playlists > Good Movies 1930's

Good Movies 1930's
Creator: chuckkrypto
Posted: 7 months ago

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Movie: Bolero ( 1934 )
An egotistical nightclub dance performer named Raoul, has the determination to succeed at all costs, and the only woman in his life that truly matters to him is a dancing partner named Helen.
Movie: Midnight ( 1934 )
The foreman of a jury asks questions that send a woman to the electric chair for a murder committed in the heat of passion. On the night of the execution, his actions come back to haunt him.
Movie: The House of Rothschild ( 1934 )
The wealthy Rothschild family undergoes prejudice from the anti-Semitic society they live within.
Movie: Six of a Kind ( 1934 )
When a respectable middle-class couple take a cross-country trip by auto, they share expenses with a decidedly oddball couple, none of whom know the car carries embezzled funds.
Movie: Death Takes a Holiday ( 1934 )
The Grim Reaper takes the form of a Prince in an attempt to relate to humans and, along the way, also learns what it is to love.
Movie: Tarzan and His Mate ( 1934 )
In the first sequel to Tarzan, the Ape Man, Harry Holt returns to Africa to head up a large ivory expedition. This time he brings his womanizing friend Marlin Arlington. Holt also harbors ideas about convincing Jane to return to London. When Holt and Arlington show Jane some of the modern clothes and perfumes they brought from civilization, she is impressed but not enough to return. Tarzan wrestles every wild animal imaginable to protect Jane but when he disallows the expedition from plundering ivory from the elephant burial grounds, it is he who takes a bullet from Arlington's gun. Jane eventually believes that Tarzan is dead but he is nursed back to health by the apes. As Jane and the returning expedition are attacked by violent natives, we wonder if Tarzan can rescue them yet again.
Movie: Double Door ( 1934 )
In a spooky New York City mansion, a wealthy but mean old woman threatens to return her sister to the home's secret torture chamber when the sister objects to the woman's trying to ruin the lives of relatives she doesn't like.
Movie: Manhattan Melodrama ( 1934 )
The friendship between two orphans endures even though they grow up on opposite sides of the law and fall in love with the same woman.
Movie: Stand Up and Cheer! ( 1934 )
A little girl's (Shirley Temple) toe-tapping musical numbers uplift the nation during the Depression in this charming classic that includes Temple's rendition of "Baby Take a Bow.
Movie: The Black Cat ( 1934 )
American honeymooners in Hungary become trapped in the home of a Satan-worshiping priest when the bride is taken there for medical help following a road accident.