Playlists > 🤖 Dystopian future & cyberpunk films and TV shows

🤖 Dystopian future & cyberpunk films and TV shows

What happens when rebellion, oppression, revolutions, wars, overpopulation, disasters, and artificial intelligence take over the world? Here is a list of plausible bleak futures that film makers have envisioned for us.

Creator: Greer
Posted: 3 years ago

122 favorites


TV Show: Defiance ( 2013 )
Set on a future Earth, Defiance introduces players and viewers to a world where humans and aliens live together on a planet ravaged by decades of war and transformed by alien terra-forming machines. It centers on Jeb Nolan, the law-keeper in a bustling frontier boomtown that is one of the new world's few oasis of civility and inclusion. Nolan is a former Marine who fought in the alien conflict and suffered the loss of his wife and child in the war. The trauma transformed him into a lone wanderer in the wilds of this new and dangerous world.
TV Show: Falling Skies ( 2011 )
The series tells the story of the aftermath of a global invasion by several races of extraterrestrials that neutralizes the world's power grid and technology, quickly destroys the combined militaries of all the world's countries, and apparently kills over 90% of the human population within a few days.
TV Show: War of the Worlds ( 2019 )
When astronomers detect a transmission from another galaxy, it is definitive proof of intelligent extra-terrestrial life. The world's population waits for further contact with bated breath. They do not have to wait long. Within days, mankind is all but wiped out by a devastating attack; pockets of humanity are left in an eerily deserted world. As aliens hunt and kill those left alive, the survivors ask a burning question - who are these attackers and why are they hell-bent on our destruction?
TV Show: The War of the Worlds ( 2019 )
Set in Edwardian England, this adaptation of H.G. Wells' seminal tale - the first alien invasion story in literature - follows George and his partner Amy as they attempt to defy society and start a life together. The War of the Worlds tells their story as they face the escalating terror of an alien invasion, fighting for their lives against an enemy beyond their comprehension.
TV Show: Under the Dome ( 2013 )
Under the Dome is the story of a small town that is suddenly and inexplicably sealed off from the rest of the world by an enormous transparent dome. The town's inhabitants must deal with surviving the post-apocalyptic conditions while searching for answers about the dome, where it came from and if and when it will go away.
TV Show: Dominion ( 2014 )
Dominion is an epic supernatural drama set in the near future. Specifically, 25 years after "The Extinction War," when an army of lower angels, assembled by the archangel Gabriel, waged war against mankind. The archangel Michael, turning against his own kind, chose to side with humanity. Rising out of the ashes of this long battle are newly fortified cities which protect human survivors. At the center of the series is the city of Vega, a glistening empire that has formed from the ruins of what was once Las Vegas.
TV Show: The Martian Chronicles ( 1980 )
Earth sends its first manned probe to Mars in 1999, and a jealous Martian murders the two astronauts when his wife has erotic dreams of meeting them. Members of a subsequent expedition are hypnotized into believing that they have landed in the childhood community of their leader and have been reunited with deceased family and friends, and they are poisoned by the Martians. Col. John Wilder leads a third expedition and learns that a chicken pox virus brought to Mars by the first two expeditions has almost eradicated the Martian population. A member of Wilder's team becomes obsessed with protecting Mars from Earthman and murders some of the others in Wilder's party, before Wilder kills him. Colonists arrive on Mars to settle, among them priests seeking God, and a lone Martian masquerades as the most desired persons of various settlers. Global war on Earth reduces man's natal planet to radioactive waste, and most of the settlers returned there prior to the holocaust. Wilder struggles to assemble the remaining humans on Mars, who cope with their loneliness in different ways and will not leave their piece of Mars, before Wilder meets a Martian of past or future who tells him the secret of simple Martian life and convinces him to abandon the Earth lifestyle.
TV Show: Fist of the North Star ( 1984 )
In a post-nuclear future, human race has made many steps. Normal people have become slaves, while genetically modified giants rule the world. Gunpowder is a distant memory and martial arts is the only weapon a man can count on. Two schools face each other in the battle for dominion: Hokuto and Nanto. Kenshiro is the rightful successor of Hokuto school, while Shin is Nanto's. Shin stole Ken's girlfriend Julia and Ken is looking for her. Kenshiro travels the barren wasterland of post-apocalyptic Earth as seeks to rescue Julia. As the series progresses, we are introduced to the six Grand Masters of the Nanto Seiken school, as well as Kenshiro's three adoptive brothers, also trained in the art of Hokuto Shinken. Eventually, Kenshiro's ultimate rival becomes none other than his eldest brother, Raoh, a would-be conqueror who does not recognize Kenshiro as a worthy succcessor.
TV Show: The Umbrella Academy ( 2019 )
Reunited by their father's death, estranged siblings with extraordinary powers uncover shocking family secrets -- and a looming threat to humanity.
TV Show: iZombie ( 2015 )
Olivia "Liv" Moore is a rosy-cheeked, disciplined, over-achieving medical resident who had her life path completely mapped out... until the night she attended a party that unexpectedly turned into a zombie feeding frenzy. As one of the newly undead, Liv has devised a way to resist her baser urges to devour fresh human brains--she's taken a job in the Seattle coroner's office.In this appropriately dead-end job, she can secretly snack on the brains of the many Jane and John Doe corpses that make a final stop in the morgue. Liv remains resigned to an eternity without hope or purpose, until she realizes that with every brain she consumes, she retains a portion of that person's memories, and she begins to experience visions from the point of view of the murder victims. It's not the same as being alive again, but at least she can find purpose in her undead existence by helping to solve the murders of those who are indeed fully dead.
TV Show: Zoo ( 2015 )
Zoo is a global thriller about a wave of violent animal attacks against humans sweeping the planet. Jackson Oz is a young, renegade American zoologist who spends his days running safaris in the wilds of Africa when he begins noticing the strange behavior of the animals. As the assaults become more cunning, coordinated and ferocious, he is thrust into the race to unlock the mystery of the pandemic before there's no place left for people to hide.

Based on James Patterson's #1 bestselling novel.
TV Show: No Tomorrow ( 2016 )
No Tomorrow centers on Evie, a risk-averse quality-control assessor who falls for free-spirited thrill seeker Xavier - only to find out he lives his life that way because he believes the apocalypse is coming.No Tomorrow is described as a romantic comedy with the ultimate ticking clock (8 months and 12 days, to be exact).
TV Show: The Mist ( 2017 )
Based on a story by Stephen King, The Mist centers around a small town family that is torn apart by a brutal crime. As they deal with the fallout an eerie mist rolls in, suddenly cutting them off from the rest of the world, and in some cases, each other. Family, friends and adversaries become strange bedfellows, battling the mysterious mist and its threats, fighting to maintain morality and sanity as the rules of society break down.
TV Show: The Messengers ( 2015 )
An apocalyptic event on Earth gives five strangers angelic powers, and it also brings a mysterious dark figure to the planet.
TV Show: Sidonia no Kishi ( 2014 )
A thousand years after the alien Gauna destroyed the Earth, a small remnant of humanity still fights on to survive, fleeing on the gargantuan asteroid-based spaceship Sidonia. But centuries of flight and warfare have changed mankind in incredible ways: genetic engineering has allowed humans to photosynthesize like plants, reproduction occurs through cloning, and a third gender has been created to balance the population. Even though it's been a century since the last encounter with the Gauna, military service is mandatory, with all those able enough enlisted to pilot the Garde robots that stand as Sidonia's front line of defense. For Nagate Tanikaze, whose grandfather secretly hid him in the forgotten bowels of the asteroid, it's a strange new world as he's forced to come to the surface and join the ranks of defenders. Yet his recruitment comes just in time, for the Gauna have suddenly reappeared, and what could be man's last battle will require every resource humanity has left. And what no one knows, yet, is that Nagate is not exactly what he seems, and a secret buried in his past may change the fate of all mankind!
TV Show: Reality Z ( 2020 )
An ode to horror, humor and pop culture, Reality Z narrates in ten episodes a zombie apocalypse that imprisons participants and producers of a reality show called Olimpo. During an elimination night of the show, the studio becomes a shelter for those who seek salvation in Rio de Janeiro where madness and horror begin to rule.
TV Show: Swallowed Star ( 2020 )
One day, an unexplained RR virus appeared on the earth, drawing the world into disaster. Infected animals mutated into terrible monsters, invaded massively, and humans built walls around the destruction and established the base city as the last bastion for humans. The suffering that mankind has experienced during this period of time is known as the "Great Nirvana Period." Not only that, Luo Feng not only carried the burden of supporting the family but also to protect the human homeland, for the better survival and development of mankind, together with other justice warriors, to join hands against the fierce monsters. Under the desperate situation of the end, can Luo Feng and other warriors repel monsters and successfully protect the human world?
TV Show: Survivors ( 2008 )
When a deadly virus wipes out most of the world's population, a handful of survivors struggle to stay alive.
TV Show: Flatland ( 2019 )
An apocalyptic war has been raging for millennia between two foes in an alternate dimension called Flatland. The battle reaches modern-day Shanghai where Smith shanghais three young American warriors to fight various incarnations of his nemesis Khan in an epic duel between good and evil, where reality is fluid and the fate of the planet hangs in the balance.
TV Show: Caprica ( 2010 )
Set 58 years before Battlestar Galactica, Caprica follows two rival families - the Graystones and the Adamas - as they grow, compete, and thrive in the vibrant world of the peaceful 12 Colonies, living in a society close to our own. Entangled in the burgeoning technology of artificial intelligence and robotics that will eventually lead to the creation of the Cylons, the two houses go toe-to-toe, blending action with corporate conspiracy and sexual politics.Daniel Graystone, a computer genius, is owner of a large computer corporation that is spearheading the development of artificial intelligence. He and his wife Amanda, who's a brilliant surgeon, are both relentless in their scientific pursuits. The Adama clan is helmed by Joseph Adama, a renowned criminal defense attorney and father of future Battlestar commander William Adama. When tragedy strikes both families, lines are drawn that will determine the fate of the human race.
TV Show: Reverie ( 2018 )
This grounded new thriller follows Mara Kint, a former hostage negotiator and expert on human behavior, who became a college professor after facing an unimaginable personal tragedy. But when she's brought in to save ordinary people who have lost themselves in a highly advanced virtual-reality program in which you can literally live your dreams, she finds that in saving others, she may actually have discovered a way to save herself.
TV Show: Cowboy Bebop ( 1998 )
In the year 2071, the crew of the spaceship Bebop travel the solar system trying to apprehend bounties. In the slang of the era, "Cowboys" are bounty hunters. Most episodes revolve around a specific bounty, but the show often shares its focus with the pasts of one of each of the four main characters and of more general past events, which are revealed and brought together as the series progresses. (The show originally aired on TV Tokyo, but due to what the network considered "excessive violence", only a few episodes, out of order, were ever shown. The channel WOWOW later picked up the series and aired the entire 26 episode run, in order.)
TV Show: Earth 2 ( 1994 )
Two hundred years into the future, Devon Adair embarks on a mission to save her son's life and to provide humanity with a second chance. After traveling through space for twenty-two years, Devon and her small Advance team are forced to crash-land onto the far-away planet known as G-889. They are thousands of miles from their destination: New Pacifica, where they're supposed to set up a colony for the 250 families that are following. The survivors start out on a long and perilous journey toward New Pacifica.
TV Show: Etheria ( 2020 )
From post-apocalyptic westerns to demented comedies to terrifying horror and gore, Etheria serves up the perfect blend of mind-bending and panic-inducing excitement from the best emerging women genre directors in the world. Each episode showcases a vision of the fantastic in this new anthology series created to introduce amazing directors to devoted genre fans.
TV Show: Refugiados ( 2015 )
Mankind is suffering the biggest exodus in history. 3,000 million people from the future have traveled to the present to escape from an imminent global disaster. All the refugees must obey two rules: they must not talk about the future and they must not contact their families.

The arrival of the refugees takes everyone by surprise, including the Cruz family. The series centers on their story, the story of Samuel, Emma and little Ani. A shift in their existence after the arrival of a mysterious refugee, Alex, who has an incredible mission that will change their lives, and in order to accomplish his mission, he will not hesitate to do what there is to do: including breaking the rules.
TV Show: Dystopia ( 2018 )
It is the year 2037, the world is dying from a virus that has rendered mankind infertile. Not a single child has been born in 25 years. Governments are powerless puppets for the world's biggest corporation Biocorp. They keep promising a cure that never comes. A pair of scientists travel back to 2017 in order to change the events of their past and prevent the virus from ever existing.
TV Show: Dark Before Dawn ( 2019 )
Dark Before Dawn follows several characters as they adapt and survive in a harsh new world while trying to maintain some semblance of humanity.
TV Show: Leila ( 2019 )
In the forgotten margins of the segregated communities of a dystopian future, a woman searches for the daughter she lost upon her arrest years ago.
TV Show: Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End ( 2016 )
Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End looks at apocalyptic disasters so cataclysmic that if they happened today, they could extinguish the human race. From massive asteroid impacts to volcanic hyper-eruptions to sudden energy blasts from outer space, will you be ready? Can any of us survive?
TV Show: Doomsday Awakening ( 2018 )
TV Show: Age of the Living Dead ( 2018 )
In a post-apocalyptic near future, vampires have taken control of the United States eastern seaboard with surviving humans fleeing to the west coast. In the middle is no-man's land where humans make a weekly blood donation to keep the vampires at bay—for now.The vampires thirst for human destruction is greater than their thirst for blood, as they develop a synthetic blood that would rid their need for humans altogether. Meanwhile, humans will not go down without a fight, and have re-stocked their nuclear arsenal in preparation for an all-out attack against the vampires.
TV Show: We Were Tomorrow
not happening
TV Show: Endlings ( 2020 )
Set in the near future, Endlings is an action adventure series that tells the story of four foster kids who encounter an alien being that travels the galaxy collecting the last animal of any species before they become extinct. After saving the final elephant, an accident causes the alien ship to crash into the foster kids' farm. Now its up to Johnny, Tabby, Finn and Julia to fix the alien's ship and get it and its invaluable cargo off of Earth before government agents find and capture them all.
TV Show: Meteor ( 2009 )
When an unparalleled series of meteorites plummet to Earth, a scientist and his assistant race against time to provide vital information to Dr. Chetwyn, the only one who has the power to prevent the impending destruction. Amidst the chaos, Detective Jack Crowe desperately searches for his psychotic ex-partner Stark before the madman seeks revenge against his father Police Chief Crowe who is dealing with subsiding the panic in his small town as the meteor storm continues…
TV Show: Afterworld ( 2007 )
A tale of a world trying to recover from a cataclysmic event that has changed life on Earth beyond all recognition. 99% of the population has vanished and all technology has been rendered useless. Russell is going to have to go through hell and back if he is going to be reunited with his family 3000 miles away.
TV Show: WandaVision ( 2021 )
WandaVision blends the style of classic sitcoms with the Marvel Cinematic Universe in which Wanda Maximoff and Vision—two super-powered beings living their ideal suburban lives—begin to suspect that everything is not as it seems.
TV Show: Akame Ga Kill! ( 2014 )
Under the rule of a tyrannical empire, Tatsumi, a young swordsman, leaves his home to save his poverty stricken village. He meets a girl named Akame, an assassin who was bought, brainwashed and trained to kill by the Empire. Akame is a member of the secret assassin group called "Night Raid" who use special weapons called Teigu. Together, Tatsumi and the members of Night Raid confront the corrupt empire.
TV Show: Adventure Time ( 2008 )
Adventure Time's unlikely heroes Finn and Jake are buddies who traverse the mystical Land of Ooo and encounter its colorful inhabitants.
TV Show: Buck Rogers in the 25th Century ( 1979 )
Blast off with every groundbreaking episode of the action-packed sci-fi adventure, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century! Join legendary intergalactic crimefighters William "Buck" Rogers and Colonel Wilma Deering as they lead the crew of the starship Searcher against a galaxy of evil from the past, present and faraway future.
TV Show: Dark/Web ( 2019 )
In the near future, the evolution of the internet has given way to a world in crisis; one where everyone's connected but no one is safe. Molly Solis, a cyber analyst, understood these dangers better than anyone and was determined to make a difference… until she disappeared. Now, friends and foes from her past are in a race against time to decipher cryptic messages she's left behind; tales that paint a grim picture of technology run amok. As the mystery deepens, they'll discover the stories, and Molly herself, may be concealing information that could change the world… or destroy it.
TV Show: Cockroaches ( 2015 )
Cockroaches is a post-apocalyptic romantic-comedy about what happens after a nuclear holocaust. It's about those things that can survive anything: laziness, boredom, ex-boyfriends who are still stupid. And love.
TV Show: Tribes of Europa ( 2021 )
The future is not what you expected. The 2074 Europe is split into many Tribal states fighting for dominance. The three siblings Kiano, Liv and Elja get caught in the middle of this bloody war and are forced to forge their own paths.
TV Show: Station Eleven ( 2021 )
A post-apocalyptic saga spanning multiple timelines, Station Eleven tells the stories of survivors of a devastating flu as they attempt to rebuild and reimagine the world anew while holding on to the best of what's been lost.
TV Show: Y: The Last Man ( 2021 )
All of the men are dead. But one. Based on DC Comics' acclaimed series, Y: The Last Man traverses a post-apocalyptic world in which a cataclysmic event has decimated every male save for one lone human. The new world order of women will explore gender, race, class and survival.
TV Show: The Passage ( 2019 )
The Passage focuses on Project NOAH, a secret medical facility where scientists are experimenting with a dangerous virus that could lead to the cure for all disease, but also carries the potential to wipe out the human race. When a young girl is chosen to be a test subject, a federal agent is tasked with bringing her in, but ultimately, becomes her surrogate father, determined to protect her at any cost - even as Project Noah's work threatens to unleash an unimaginable apocalypse.
TV Show: Alice in Borderland ( 2020 )
With his two friends, a video-game-obsessed young man finds himself in a strange version of Tokyo where they must compete in dangerous games to survive.
TV Show: Almost Human ( 2013 )
Almost Human is an action-packed police drama set 35 years in the future, when police officers are partnered with highly evolved human-like androids. The year is 2048. Meet John Kennex a cop who survived one of the most catastrophic attacks ever made against the police department. After waking up from a 17-month coma, he can't remember much - except that his partner was killed; his girlfriend, Anna Moore, left him after the attack; and he lost one of his legs and is now outfitted with a highly sophisticated synthetic appendage. Suffering from depression, mental atrophy, trauma-onset OCD, PTSD and the "psychological rejection of his synthetic body part," John returns to work at the behest of longtime ally Captain Sandra Maldonado. By mandate, every cop must partner with a robot. And despite his passionate aversion to androids, John is paired up with a battle-ready MX-43. But he abruptly terminates his partnership after the robot discovers incriminating information about him. So technician Rudy Lom introduces John to Dorian, a discontinued android with unexpected emotional responses. Although such responses were deemed flaws, it is in these "flaws" that John relates to Dorian most. After all, John is part-machine now, and Dorian is part-human. John and Dorian's understanding of each other not only complements them, it connects them. As he adjusts to working with his new partner, John also must learn to get along with his new colleagues, including the eager and somewhat starstruck Detective Valerie Stahl and the distrustful Detective Richard Paul, who does not welcome John back with open arms. Almost Human will follow the week-to-week missions of John and Dorian, as they fight crime across this futuristic landscape, while the mysteries surrounding his attack and the larger mythology of this new world unfold.
TV Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender ( 2005 )
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Only the Avatar was the master of all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless Fire Nation from conquering the world. But when the world needed him most, he disappeared. Until now... On the South Pole, a lone Water Tribe village struggles to survive. It's here that a young Waterbender named Katara and her warrior brother Sokka rescue a strange boy named Aang from a cavernous iceberg. Not only is Aang an Airbender--a race of people no one has seen in a century--but they soon discover that Aang is also the long lost Avatar. Now it's up to Katara and Sokka to make sure Aang faces his destiny to save the tribe--and himself. Did we mention he's only 12?
TV Show: Aeon Flux ( 1991 )
Follow the deftly skilled Aeon on her adventures through a futuristic world brimming with chaos and corruption.
TV Show: Electric City ( 2012 )
In a post-apocalyptic setting, mankind is reduced to small settlements whose main business is to produce electric power. With fossil and nuclear fuel sources mostly depleted, the communities are dependent on naturally created electricity, be it by air, water, or muscle power (the latter of which is used as a punishment for criminals and other undesirables of this society). Under the motto "All in service to all" everyone must contribute to society's welfare.
TV Show: Amerika ( 1987 )
America has been bloodlessly taken over by the Soviet Union, leading to slave-labor camps for some, collaboration for others and rebellion for yet others.
TV Show: Shinsekai Yori ( 2012 )
The story is set in Japan a millennium from now. Five children—the protagonist Saki, Satoru, Maria, Mamoru, and Shun—have been born and raised in a tranquil town that can be described as a utopia, overflowing with water and green foilage.After a certain incident, Saki and the others come to realize the true nature of their world. The five throw themselves into life-threatening adventure and fighting to protect friends and a world on the brink of collapse.
TV Show: The Good Place ( 2016 )
The Good Place is a smart, unique comedy about what makes a good person. The show follows Eleanor Shellstrop, an ordinary woman who enters the afterlife and, thanks to some kind of error, is sent to the Good Place instead of the Bad Place, which is definitely where she belongs. While hiding in plain sight from Michael, the wise architect of the Good Place (who doesn't know he's made a mistake), she's determined to shed her old way of living and discover the awesome (or, at least, the pretty good) person within.
TV Show: Invader ZIM ( 2001 )
Invader ZIM is an eccentric alien soldier from the planet Irk. He was banished from the Irken Empire after nearly destroying his home planet on an early mission. After begging his superiors, the Almighty Tallest Red and Purple, for another chance, they decide to get rid of him once and for all. They trick him into going on a "secret mission" to an obscure planet at the edge of the universe, a planet with the unlikely name of Earth, in hopes that he'll die along the way. But their trick backfires when ZIM safely reaches Earth and begins his ever-so-subtle conquest of it. He disguises himself as a schoolboy, and now the only person who can stop him is one kid - Dib, a somewhat insane paranormal researcher, who sees straight through ZIM's disguise and is intent on stopping his reign of "terror". The only problem is that neither of them is very good at stopping the other.
TV Show: The Prisoner ( 2009 )
The Prisoner tells the story of a man, Six, who wakes up to find himself inexplicably trapped in a mysterious and surreal place, The Village, with no memory of how he arrived. As he frantically explores his new environment, he discovers that Village residents are identified by number, have no memory of any prior existence, and are under constant surveillance. The Village is controlled by one man - the sinister and charismatic Two . Throughout the series, Six and Two are locked in a battle of wits, as Six challenges the oppressive nature of The Village and struggles to learn the truth behind it.
TV Show: Sliders ( 1995 )
Brilliant grad student Quinn has created a device that opens a wormhole to an infinite number of parallel universes where history has taken different paths. His first test trip goes awry stranding his physics professor Arturo, his friend Wade, and bystander Rembrandt "Crying Man" Brown in parallel San Francisco. Now, this foursome of Sliders must travel from one alternate reality to another in the hope of somehow finding their way home.
TV Show: The Tribe ( 1999 )
A group of young adults struggle to survive in a world where all the adults have been killed by a mysterious virus.
TV Show: Steins;Gate ( 2011 )
The microwave is a time machine. Okarin proved it. The self-anointed mad scientist nuked bananas into some gelatinous version of the future. Or maybe it was the past. Doesn't matter. No one thought he could do it, but he did it anyway. He sent text messages through time to people he knew. To his friends. Some of them female. Pretty. He should have been more careful. He should have stopped. Tampering with the time-space continuum attracts unwelcome attention. Clandestine organizations of nefarious origins take notice. SERN. Always watching. Okarin knows; he can feel their eyes. That s why he started the top secret Future Gadget Lab. To stop them. You should join. We get to wear lab coats, and it's dangerous. Danger is exciting because it's deadly. The microwave is a time machine. Steins;Gate is a surreal viewing experience that s an absolute must watch for all fans of sci-fi.
TV Show: Steins;Gate 0 ( 2018 )
The dark untold story of Steins;Gate that leads with the eccentric mad scientist Okabe, struggling to recover from a failed attempt at rescuing Kurisu. He decides to give up and abandons his lively scientist alter ego, in pursuit to forget the past. When all seems to be normal, he is seemingly pulled back into the past by meeting an acquaintance of Kurisu, who tells him that they have begun testing a device that stores the memory of a human and creates a simulation of them with their characteristics and personalities. Okabe begins testing and finds out that the simulation of Kurisu has brought back anguish and some new unexpected tragedies. Zero is a side story that explores events from the Beta Attractor Field's future that contribute in making the end of the original story possible.
TV Show: Survivors ( 1975 )
A handful of survivors struggle to stay alive in the wake of a global disaster.
TV Show: The Fire Next Time ( 1993 )
Set in 2017, the plot focuses on a family who, after a series of fires begins to break out due to global warming, must struggle to survive a natural disaster that devastates the earth.
TV Show: The Tripods ( 1984 )
Big alien machines on three legs (Tripods) have conquered the Earth. The show is set in the year 2089 where it is widely accepted by the humans to be controlled by the Tripods with "caps", attached to a child's head, when it turns 14. Will and Henry are trying to escape from being capped and find a promised place where it is told that free men are fighting the machines.
TV Show: The Last Man on Earth ( 2015 )
The Last Man on Earth is a single-camera comedy chronicles the life and adventures of an average guy - and humanity's last hope - who discovers what life is like when no one is telling you what you can and cannot do.
TV Show: An Englishman's Castle ( 1978 )
History took a different turn. Germany won World War II and the Nazis have occupied England for over 38 years. A writer of a popular British wartime soap opera discovers that his mistress is a Jewish girl and is asked to help the Resistance.
TV Show: Wild Palms ( 1993 )
A dark, sexy, noir Los Angeles of the future is the backdrop for Oliver Stone's haunting, sci-fi saga of greed, treason and virtual reality. Harry Wyckoff is about to become a player in a dark and terrifying battle where everything is at stake and no one is who they seem. Featuring an all-star cast, this story about a cult, a corporation, and a conspiracy to rule the country, is one of the most original movie events in recent history.
TV Show: Creamerie ( 2021 )
Eight years after a plague killed all men, three women who run a dairy farm accidentally run over the last surviving male human on the planet in this darkly funny, dystopian series. 
TV Show: H+ ( 2012 )
A new series by Bryan Singer (producer of the X-Men films, House M.D. and Usual Suspects), H+ The Digital Series takes viewers on a journey into an apocalyptic future where technology has spiraled out of control.
TV Show: Invasion ( 2021 )
Earth is visited by an alien species that threatens humanity's existence. Events unfold in real time through the eyes of five ordinary people across the globe as they struggle to make sense of the chaos unraveling around them.
TV Show: Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness ( 2021 )
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is based around the stories of the two popular characters, Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield. By adding suspense into dynamic action scenes, this series will reveal a Resident Evil world unlike anything seen before.
TV Show: Mann & Machine ( 1992 )
Futuristic crime story in which an L.A. cop is partnered with a cyborg partner, who has the sparkle of Data from `Star Trek' combined with the body of Julie Newmar from `My Living Doll.' Plus, as her partner puts it, `She's never had the experience of being wrong.'
TV Show: Bubblegum Crisis ( 1987 )
BGC is the story of four mercenaries living in Tokyo in the year 2033. After a massive earthquake that destroyes much of Tokyo, the four mercenaries, dubbed the Knight Sabers, are left fighting against the GENOM Corporation, its evil androids, and everything it stands against.
TV Show: Ergo Proxy ( 2006 )
In the utopian city, Romdeau, where humans and their android servants live, the landscape is broken by a series of murders. Real Mayar, a female inspector from the Citizen Information Bureau, along with her android partner Iggy, are tasked to solve the cases. Mayar is soon attacked by a creature which is neither human nor android, and learns about the mysterious phenomena called "Awakening".
TV Show: The Defective ( 2021 )
The series follows Lu Bixing and Lin Jingheng, two very different men caught up in a futuristic dystopia where mind-link tech known as Eden controls society. One out of every hundred people can't interface with Eden and are deemed "defective" as outcasts. These two will work together to fight against this unjust world.
TV Show: The Andromeda Strain ( 2008 )
In The Andromeda Strain, a U.S. military satellite crashes in a small town and unleashes a deadly plague killing all but two survivors. As the military quarantines the area, a team of highly specialized scientists is assembled to find a cure to the pathogen code-named "Andromeda," and a reporter investigates a government conspiracy only to discover what he is chasing wants him silenced.
TV Show: Лучше, чем люди ( 2018 )
Moscow in a not so distant future where human beings share their daily lives with robots. Georgy, a forensic who has a robot assistant, suddenly finds himself caught up in the first murder committed by a new kind of experimental humanoid.
TV Show: Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 ( 1998 )
In the aftermath of the great earthquake, one ruthless corporation stands ready to take over the devastated city of Tokyo with an army of synthetic monsters. Only a single band of female vigilantes opposes the monolithic power of Genom - but in this case, four women are all it takes! Armed with the most incredible combat suits ever designed, the Knight Sabers wage a desperate war in the shadows, combating the monstrous by-products of technology run amuck with courage, sweat and blood!
TV Show: Meta Runner ( 2019 )
Meta Runner is an Australian computer animated web television series created and developed by Glitch Productions
TV Show: Last Hope ( 2018 )
The new series is set in a near-future world where the boundary between human being and AI is vague. A rapid biological evolution, similar to "Cambrian Explosion," is caused by one incident. This incident turns into the genesis of a new jostle for supremacy, and the influence of the evolution goes beyond biological framework and spreads to various kinds of materials and technologies. The era of massive evolution involving diverse existences, such as human, machines, and biotechnologies, is coming. Characters fight an existential war in such a world.
TV Show: Dark Angel ( 2000 )
In the year 2019 the U.S. has become a third world country in the wake of the Pulse - an electromagnetic shockwave unleashed by nuclear terrorists in 2009. This is Max's world, an unforgiving place even for a genetically engineered soldier like her. On the run from her creators and constantly in search of her past, Max joins forces with the idealistic cyberjournalist "Eyes Only". She's a revved-up girl trying to make a run-down world a better place.
TV Show: Love, Death & Robots ( 2019 )
Love, Death and Robots is an animated anthology series, aimed towards adults with stories that go across every genre from science fiction, comedy, fantasy and horror, including imaginative characters such as sentient dairy products, werewolf soldiers and robots gone wild.
TV Show: Pacific Rim: The Black ( 2021 )
After Kaiju ravage Australia, two siblings pilot a Jaeger to search for their parents, encountering new creatures, seedy characters and chance allies.
TV Show: Godzilla Singular Point ( 2021 )
Brought together by a mysterious song, a grad student and an engineer lead the fight against an unimaginable force that may spell doom for the world.
TV Show: The I-Land ( 2019 )
When ten people wake up on a treacherous island with no memory of who they are or how they got there, they set off on a trek to try to get back home. They soon discover this world is not as it seems. Faced with the island's extreme psychological and physical challenges, they must rise to their better selves -- or die as their worst ones.
TV Show: Revisions ( 2019 )
When Shibuya time-warps to 2388, high schooler Daisuke and his friends are conscripted by AHRV agent Milo to fight the hostile cyborg race, revisions.
TV Show: Ingress ( 2018 )
Since he was little, Makoto had a strange power which enabled him to read the memories of objects he touched. Hiding his uncontrollable power, he works as a special agent in the police force. One day, while investigating an explosion at a laboratory that researches a unknown substance called "XM", he sees a mysterious memory. The memory was from Sarah's ring, who was the sole survivor of the accident. It was a sight of a person being swallowed into a red light and disappearing. Makoto becomes embroiled in a massive conspiracy.
TV Show: Dystopia ( 2021 )
Dystopia is a chilling tale of supernatural powers unleashed by post-apocalyptic roleplay in the Swedish forests. For a group of thrill-seeking young Swedes, an abandoned Cold War-era factory deep in the wilderness seems the ideal setting for a live roleplay designed to push them to their physical and mental limits. But the game soon turns deadly serious when a series of mysterious events unfold, awakening dark forces in each of them…
TV Show: Sпарта ( 2018 )
TV Show: ID-0 ( 2017 )
I-Machines are the general term for robots that operate in extreme environments. While Alliance Academy student Maya Mikuri is in the middle of operating an I-Machine, she gets involved in an incident with pirates, and ends up serving as a crew member on an excavation company's spaceship.
TV Show: Nightflyers ( 2018 )
Set in the year 2093, Nightflyers is a psychological thriller that follows a team of scientists aboard the Nightflyer, the most advanced ship ever built, as they embark on a journey to find other life forms. Their mission takes them to the edge of the solar system, and to the edge of insanity, as they realize true horror isn't waiting for them in outer space - it's already on their ship.
TV Show: Blade Runner: Black Lotus ( 2021 )
Los Angeles 2032. A young woman wakes up with no memories, and possessing deadly skills. The only clues to her mystery are a locked data device and a tattoo of a black lotus. Putting together the pieces, she must hunt down the people responsible for her brutal and bloody past to find the truth of her lost identity.
TV Show: Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future ( 1987 )
Earth, 2147. The legacy of the Metal Wars, where man fought machines—and machines won. Bio-Dreads: Monstrous creations that hunt down human survivors—and digitize them. Volcania: Center of the Bio-Dread Empire-stronghold and fortress of Lord Dread, feared ruler of this new order. But from the fires of the Metal Wars arose a new breed of warrior, born and trained to bring down Lord Dread and his Bio-Dread Empire. They were Soldiers Of The Future — mankind's last hope. Their leader, Captain Jonathan Power (Tim Dunigan), master of the incredible Power Suits, which transform each soldier into a one-man attack force, Major Matthew 'Hawk' Masterson (Peter MacNeill), fighter in the skies, Lieutenant Michael 'Tank' Ellis (Sven-Ole Thorsen), ground assault unit, Sergeant Robert 'Scout' Baker (Maurice Dean Wint), espionage and communications, and Corporal Jennifer 'Pilot'
TV Show: Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 ( 2020 )
Cybercrime is rampant in a near future where advances in technology allow people to augment their minds with "cyberbrains." Full-body cyborg Kusanagi Motoko commands the crime-fighting organization known as Public Security Section 9.
TV Show: RoboCop: Prime Directives ( 2001 )
The OCP, teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, is taken over by a scheming executive; RoboCop and RoboCable work together to save Delta City.
TV Show: Doom Patrol ( 2013 )
Doom Patrol was a series of animated shorts about the world's strangest heroes.
TV Show: Doom Patrol ( 2019 )
A re-imagining of one of DC's most beloved group of outcast super heroes: Robotman, Negative Man, Elasti-Woman and Crazy Jane, led by modern-day mad scientist Dr. Niles Caulder (The Chief). The Doom Patrol's members each suffered horrible accidents that gave them superhuman abilities - but also left them scarred and disfigured. Traumatized and downtrodden, the team found purpose through The Chief, who brought them together to investigate the weirdest phenomena in existence - and to protect Earth from what they find. Part support group, part Super Hero team, the Doom Patrol is a band of super-powered freaks who fight for a world that wants nothing to do with them. Picking up after the events of Titans, Doom Patrol finds these reluctant heroes in a place they never expected to be, called to action by none other than Cyborg, who comes to them with a mission hard to refuse, but with a warning that is hard to ignore: their lives will never, ever be the same.
TV Show: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles ( 2008 )
The mother of all destiny. Her son, the future leader of mankind. Their protector, a Terminator from the future. Together they must take back the future as Sarah Connor prepares her son to fight the war against machines determined to annihilate the human race. The clock is ticking. Can they stop Judgment Day?
TV Show: Ultraviolet: Code 044 ( 2008 )
In 2140, rebels infected with Phage are fighting for independence from corporate government on a space-station-turned-metropolis. Genetically modified melancholic 19-year-old dying corporate female assassin will decide the outcome.
TV Show: ReGenesis ( 2004 )
Cloning, bioterrorism, genetic engineering, not since the atom bomb has science had such potential to change the world. Canada, Mexico, and the United States have created a trilateral taskforce, The North American Biotechnology Advisory Commission, or NorBAC, to investigate questionable advances in the fields of biotechnology, bio-weaponry and nanotechnology.Under the charismatic leadership of Chief Scientist David Sandstrom and Executive Director Caroline Morrison, the Toronto-based organisation struggles to understand the political, legal, and personal underbrush in which new science has become entangled.
TV Show: Orphan Black ( 2013 )
Orphan Black is about Sarah, an outsider and orphan whose life changes dramatically after witnessing the suicide of a woman, "Beth", who looks just like her. Sarah takes her identity, her boyfriend and her money. But instead of solving her problems, the street-smart chameleon is thrust headlong into a kaleidoscopic mystery. She makes the dizzying discovery that she and the dead woman are clones... but are they the only ones? Sarah quickly finds herself caught in the middle of a deadly conspiracy, racing to find answers.
TV Show: Kamen Rider Amazons ( 2016 )
Kamen Rider Amazons is a web-only Kamen Rider season based on the 1974 TV series Kamen Rider Amazon and is a part of Toei Company's Super Hero Year project. It premiered on the Japanese version of Amazon Prime on April 1, 2016. The catchphrase for the net series is "Open Your Amazons". Later in July, an edited version of Amazons featuring a new opening will be aired on two TV channels: the BS Asahi and Tokyo MX at the late night time and the catchphrase is changed into "Hunt, start".